Compassion Stories

4 New Countries: Expanding to Reach New Children 4 New Countries: Expanding to Reach New Children
In our constant effort to end extreme poverty and help children thrive in their God-given potential, Compassion is working to reach children in additional countries! Find out why, where and how we’re compelled to expand.
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More Stories about Mercy, Grace, Courage & Compassion

We Asked Our CEO: What Did You Learn as an Olympic Athlete?
Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado shares about his experience in the 1988 Olympic Games, the power of goals and finding a healthy life rhythm.
The Bold Girls Using Sports to Escape Poverty

Sports can be a game-changer for kids in poverty. Meet four girls who are skating, fencing, lifting and kayaking their way to a brighter future.

Escaping Death Through Incredible Healing

In this emotional video, a teen finds the strength to recover with the support of his family, church, Compassion center and God.

"I Had Never In My Life Received a Christmas Gift"

Children, parents and staff at Compassion centers around the world share the true impact of receiving Christmas gifts.

What is a Sponsor’s Role in a Crisis?

As sponsors, what role do you play when disaster strikes? Here’s what you need to know and four ways you can help kids during a crisis.

8 Life-Transforming Christian Values to Teach Your Child

As Christians, we must learn to live and love like Jesus. How can we do that? By learning these Christian values and putting them into practice.

Girl Power: Rising Above the Norm With Vocational Skills

Child sponsorship changes lives. But why sponsor a child through Compassion? Learn what makes us different (and see the impact for yourself) here..

Why Sponsor a Child in Need With Compassion?

Child sponsorship changes lives. But why sponsor a child through Compassion? Learn what makes us different (and see the impact for yourself) here..

Compassion Warriors: Meet the Champions of Child Protection

Every Compassion center is equipped with a Child Protection Officer who helps children facing abuse. Here are the stories of these warriors in Brazil.