By: Ashlyn Jacobs   |   Posted: September 05, 2024

Even simple, quick words of encouragement can change your sponsored child’s life.

Busy? Write Your Sponsored Child Faster With These 10 Tips

Even simple, quick words of encouragement can change your sponsored child’s life.

Written by Ashlyn Jacobs
Photography by Hutama Limarta, Galia Oropeza, Tigist Gizachew, Daniela Velasco and Vera Aurima
Five young children lie on a colorful mat in a circle. They are hugging letters and smiling up at the camera.

Ninety percent of kids say letters make them feel loved. When your sponsored child receives a note from you, they see a tangible reminder that you care.

Encouraging your sponsored child only takes a moment! But we know you’re busy, so we’re here to help with 10 practical tips for faster, simpler letter-writing.

Busy Schedules: Making Time To Write

A young girl wearing a white shirt stands in front of a colorful swing outside. She hugs a letter and looks at the camera.

Set a Phone Reminder

We know the thought to write a letter can easily slip your mind, even with the best intentions. We’ve all been there. Try setting two to six calendar reminders each year to write. A few months in advance of Christmas, Easter and your sponsored child’s birthday are great times to send a note.

Write at the Mailbox

Maybe you feel like Kristin, who loves getting letters from her sponsored child but can easily forget to respond. “If I put it aside to think on the ‘perfect’ thing to say, it gets forgotten,” Kristin says. If that sounds like you, never fear! One easy fix is to jot down your reply right after reading your sponsored child’s letter.

Skip the Paper — Hop Online

Paper letters can easily get lost in the shuffle of your everyday life. Thankfully, writing online through My Account or in the Compassion app can help. Not sure how? Check out this video for a tutorial on My Account.

The Compassion app, available for Apple and Android devices, makes it easy to write a message and view previous ones straight from your mobile phone or tablet.

Pass the Pen

When you’re in a busy time of life, grab some help! If you have a friend, child or other family member who loves to encourage others, consider asking them to help you write a note or two each year.

Just make sure the note mentions who is writing, and still sign your name at the bottom. For example: “My sister Hannah wrote this letter for you. Sincerely, Anne.” This will help avoid any confusion.

Pray and Display

We know you have important things on your mind every day. Sometimes writing a letter just isn’t on that list, and we get it. But your decision to sponsor a child reflects your love for kids in poverty.

Let that heart move you! Including your sponsored child in your prayers regularly and displaying their photos or letters in your home can help stir up your motivation more consistently.

Busy Minds: Deciding What to Say

Two little girls wearing pink aprons sit shoulder-to-shoulder. They read a letter with smiles on their faces.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Kids love getting anything in the mail. You don’t have to write a novel to impress them! A simple note to say hello still shows them you care. Take it from Jane, a sponsor who gives this advice: “It’s more important that your child is hearing from you — just a few sentences to express your care, prayers, support.

Your message can even take the style of a postcard: a photo with a quick caption, Bible verse and a sentence to tell your sponsored child you’re thinking of them.

Use a Cheat Sheet

Want to write a message, but aren’t sure where to start? We’ve got just the thing for you. Check out our list of letter-writing prompts. If you’d like, you can even choose a prompt ahead of time to include with your calendar reminders.

Be a Copycat

If you sponsor more than one child, writing multiple unique letters might sound overwhelming. Thankfully, you don’t have to! You can save time and brainpower by copying your greetings, life updates and words of encouragement for multiple letters.

The writing platform in My Account even has a “duplicate for another child” feature to help you out.

Talk It Out

Many people prefer talking over writing. That’s no problem! Try using a voice-to-text app on your smartphone or tablet, such as the free app WhisperBoard, to dictate your message. Then do a quick check for typos and formatting, paste it into a letter template through the Compassion app or My Account, and send it.

Let Pictures Do the Talking

We know sharing your life through writing can be tricky for some. If words simply aren’t your thing, just let pictures speak for you! Kids love to find photos in their letters. Snapshots of your recent travels, a fun family moment or even your dinner plate will bring a smile to their face.

Writing online or in the app makes including photos even easier. Instead of printing them out, you can simply attach a few favorites from your device’s camera roll.

Two little boys read letters together while sitting on a crate outside an orange tent.

Inspiring Hope One Note at a Time

We hope these 10 tips make writing to your sponsored child more convenient and effortless. You can find more answers to your letter-writing questions on our FAQ page.

However you choose to send messages, know that you’re making a difference in your sponsored child’s life.

A teenaged girl wearing a pink shirt and jeans lies in the grass, smiling up at the camera. She is surrounded by greeting cards from her sponsor.
Jacqueline has received encouraging notes from her sponsor since she was 4 years old.

You can be an encourager like Amy, who has sponsored 17-year-old Jacqueline for over a decade. Amy’s messages made celebrations more special and sponsorship more personal. They inspired Jacqueline to reach for her goal of becoming a teacher.

“Without a doubt, Amy’s words of affirmation and motivation over the years have been fuel to my soul,” Jacqueline said.

Whether they’re simple hellos, heartfelt prayers or captioned photos, your messages can fuel your sponsored child’s soul too.

Encourage the Child You Sponsor

Three older children play and laugh in a grassy field on a sunny day. They toss their letters in the breeze.

Remind your sponsored child that you care about them.

Three older children play and laugh in a grassy field on a sunny day. They toss their letters in the breeze.