|   Posted: September 19, 2024

She grew up caring for her ill parents. Now, with inspiration from the doctor who sponsors her, Leidy is pursuing her dream to become a nurse.

Leidy’s Sponsor Inspired Her to Spread Hope as a Nurse

She grew up caring for her ill parents. Now, with inspiration from the doctor who sponsors her, Leidy is pursuing her dream to become a nurse.

Story and Photos by Willow Welter and Emily Turner. Words by Ashlyn Jacob.

Not long ago, Leidy discovered that her father only had months to live.

As a Compassion participant, 21-year-old Leidy has always been grateful for the support of her tutors, pastor and sponsor. They’ve helped her stay healthy and strong as she pursues her education and career.

But Leidy needed them more than ever when she discovered that her father was dying from Chagas disease, a parasitic illness affecting the heart.

A young woman wearing a dark green shirt leans against an unfinished brick wall. She gazes into the distance thoughtfully.

Through Compassion, God has helped Leidy see hope in the sorrow and purpose in the pain. She now aspires to help others do the same by training to be a nurse. And she’s inspired, in large part, by her sponsor Reva.

Bonds of Health and Hope

Reva’s nurturing heart first drew her to sponsor Leidy years ago. As a practicing OB-GYN, Reva made a career of caring for women and children in her Kentucky hometown. Her heart was naturally drawn to the vulnerable.

One year, when her church displayed child sponsorship packets on Compassion Sunday, Reva knew she wanted to help care for a child somewhere else in the world too.

Then she saw Leidy — a girl from Bolivia with the same April birthday as Reva’s own daughter — and decided to start sponsoring her.

Since then, Reva has supported Leidy through encouragement, prayers and support. “I am very grateful for my sponsor, Reva,” Leidy says. “She’s a fundamental part of my life, a very important person.”

Reva’s sponsorship has equipped Leidy’s Compassion center to keep Leidy healthy, to champion her education and guide her in Christ-centered living. When Leidy got dengue fever and pneumonia, for instance, Compassion paid for the medical bills her family couldn’t afford.

Leidy has many happy memories with friends and tutors at the Compassion center. To this day, she can always count on time at the center to lift her spirits.

“It’s my favorite place,” she says. And she’s also found a mentor and father figure in Pastor Miguel, who leads the local church that partners with Compassion.

A man and a young woman sit across from each other on purple chairs outside. They both hold Bibles open, and the man points to a page in the woman’s Bible.
Pastor Miguel’s mentorship has helped Leidy grow a strong and resilient faith.

Through the years, Leidy’s sponsor has reinforced the care from her Compassion community by sending her messages of hope. Even while Leidy struggles through the darkness of her family’s illness and poverty, Reva’s kindness makes all the difference. “Every one of the letters she sends me … it’s like my greatest treasure,” Leidy says.

An Inspiring Visit

Moved by a desire to do more, Reva came to encourage Leidy in person.

Reva first visited Bolivia when Leidy was still quite young. While there, Reva saw how poverty amplifies the health struggles that women face. Many of the women she met didn’t have access to medical care, and the mortality rates of pregnant women and newborns alarmed her.

Reva was determined to help these women and children in poverty get the health care they need. And she knew that her husband would want that too. He was also an OB-GYN, and had recently died of a heart attack.

When Reva and her children heard about the needs in Leidy’s community, they decided to use his life insurance payout to help Compassion fund a clinic in Bolivia.

I think if you’ve been blessed and you have the means, there’s no way you can say no. You just have to give. I think there’s nothing that compares to a generous heart.

— Reva

When she heard the news, Leidy couldn’t believe someone would care that much for the health of her fellow Bolivians. Not only was Reva giving her resources, but she would return to help train medical staff and treat patients personally.

A young woman sits at a table with seven children as they practice handwriting on sheets of white paper. She is smiling at a little girl next to her.
Leidy and Reva connected over their shared love for the vulnerable in her Bolivian community.

Leidy was inspired by Reva’s generosity in the wake of her loss. She shared Reva’s heart to help the hurting. And even though Leidy was still young, she already knew she wanted to follow in Reva’s footsteps.

Emboldened to Dream

Even before her father’s terminal prognosis, Leidy’s family was well-acquainted with sickness. Both parents have diabetes, and Leidy’s mother also suffers from fragile bone problems.

Growing up, Leidy watched her parents manage their symptoms, so she’s always had a natural curiosity and confidence around caring for those with medical issues.

Inspired to help those suffering just like her parents and propelled by Reva’s example, Leidy’s dream solidified: she wanted to dedicate her career to caring for others.

Leidy’s community has joyfully rallied around her decision to become a nurse — and is offering her tangible help. The Compassion center is helping cover her expenses so she can attend nursing school, since poverty often makes the cost of education impossible to afford for families like Leidy’s.

And they’re still looking out for her physical, mental and spiritual needs. All their support is a welcome reprieve as Leidy juggles studying, caring for her parents and looking after her younger siblings.

A young woman reads a letter while she sits outside a bright orange building. She is wearing a white blouse and black skirt and smiling.
Leidy finds encouragement to persevere through her studies when she reads Reva’s letters.

Reva continues to spur Leidy on from a distance with her prayers and letters. “I think she’s going to make a wonderful nurse,” Reva says. “I have no doubt that she’s going to accomplish this.”

We can see a promise from the Lord in her in a big way. She loves what the Lord loves, and God will really use her to fulfill her dreams.

— Pastor Miguel

Following in Their Footsteps

When her father started suffering from the symptoms of Chagas disease a few months ago, Leidy felt every painful progression with him.

He lost his appetite. He could barely walk, so he could no longer work to provide for his family. Then his body began to swell and turn purple. Soon the disease will take his life, likely with sudden heart failure or stroke.

“There are times when it fills me with helplessness,” Leidy says. “It hurts even me. My head hurts just to think that it can happen.”

While Leidy feels helpless watching her father, she resolves to keep studying so that, someday, she’ll be able to prevent this kind of heartbreak for others. The pain of losing him often threatens to weigh Leidy down, but if there’s one thing she’s learned through Compassion, it’s that God can carry her onward.

A young woman wearing a white blouse stands next to a tree and looks calmly at the camera.
Leidy’s resilient faith helps her persevere through the pain of losing her father.

A favorite Bible verse that Reva shared in a letter has anchored Leidy to this truth: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NIV).

I ask God for strength because he’s the one who’s always there helping me.

— Leidy

He is already helping Leidy through the many people who support and champion her along the way. “I feel like I’m a very lucky woman and very much protected by God and by people around me.”

Now, Leidy is preparing to give back what she received as a child by improving the health of her entire community. She’s following in the compassionate footsteps of her faithful local church mentors, her persevering parents and her inspiring sponsor.

God used Reva to show Leidy the beauty of caring for others even in the face of her own grief. Now he’s restoring Leidy’s soul as she trains to restore people’s bodies.

With her supportive community and loving God surrounding her, Leidy will share her hope with everyone she encounters.

Inspire a Child With Your Care

A boy wearing a red shirt stands in front of a trash-filled outdoor area. He is holding a violin and smiling.

Like Reva did for Leidy, you can empower a child or youth to dream big and bring hope to their community.

A boy wearing a red shirt stands in front of a trash-filled outdoor area. He is holding a violin and smiling.