Sponsoring Children

Sponsor a Longest Waiting Child

Have you ever waited ... and waited ... for a dream to come true? Hundreds of children on Compassion's sponsorship waitlist know this feeling all too well.

As each month passes by, many begin to wonder why no one chooses them. But you can tell a child “I choose you” today!

By becoming a sponsor, you can help release a child from the chains of poverty. Your support goes beyond financial aid: It nurtures dreams, builds a foundation for a brighter future and introduces a child to the hope found in Jesus.

In addition to providing essentials such as vital nutrition, medical care and education, you’ll offer life-giving encouragement to the child you sponsor as you exchange letters. You’ll come alongside them in their journey out of poverty and enable a local church to do the same.

Join us in releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name by sponsoring a waiting child. Transform a child's life today!

Find a Waiting Child to Sponsor

Your support helps provide the essentials children in poverty need to thrive, from food and clean water to individual mentorship. With their critical needs met, sponsored children are free to learn, grow, play and dream.

Find a Child


Sponsoring Children: Why It Works

In a world where 333 million children live on less than $2.15 a day, child sponsorship is an effective way to provide children with resources, compassion and hope. Through sponsorship, a waiting child can discover their true value through the local church, a caring sponsor and a relationship with Jesus.

For $43/month a sponsored child receives

Malnutrition monitoring and intervention

Medical care and regular checkups

Individual mentorship and love

Education assistance and skills training

Encouraging words and support from you, their sponsor

An introduction to the love of God

About Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program

When you participate in Compassion’s child sponsorship program, you are investing in a waiting child’s future. Compassion’s program is:

  • Christ-centered: Jesus is the core of our ministry. His life and teachings shape our programs, reflect the spiritual commitments of our staff and guide how we love, respect and cooperate with the nations.
  • Church-driven: Local churches are a catalyst for community change. We partner with them to address the unique needs of the children living in their communities.
  • Child-focused: Our focus is on the individual child and caring for each of their needs. We ensure each child we serve is supported individually and holistically: mind, body and spirit.

Join Compassion’s sponsorship program and help a child in need today!

See What Our Sponsors are Saying

Then he said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest

- Luke 9:46-47, NIV

FAQs About Waiting Children

Location, age or personal circumstances can all influence the time a child waits for sponsorship. Compassion International works tirelessly to find sponsors for all children, specifically focusing on those who have been waiting the longest.