5. Ask for Help Through Temptation
“And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.” — Matthew 6:13
When we ask for forgiveness, God will provide it. But he doesn’t stop there. God can help us fight back against future temptation, empowering us to escape the enemy.
In your prayer time, ask God to give you the strength required to resist what tempts you to sin. Ask him to change you and make you more like him.
Tip: All of us struggle with different things. When you pray, be specific about what you struggle to resist. Maybe it’s anger or gossip. Maybe you’re feeling envious of a friend. Whatever it is, God can help you overcome it. All you have to do is ask!
A Sample Prayer for Practice
It’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice! Here’s a sample prayer you can use and customize to fit your specific needs. Simply answer the prompts to fill the prayer with your own words.
Heavenly Father, you are [Who is God to you?]. Thank you so much for [What has he done for you?]. Help me to follow your plan, not mine in this season, as I know your way is better. Father, I pray that you would [What is a need you have or a request?]. Please, forgive me for [What is a shortcoming you’re struggling with?] and help me to resist it. And God, thank you. Thank you for always hearing my prayers and caring for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Tips for a More Purposeful & Powerful Prayer Time
By following these five steps that Jesus lays out, you’ll be well on your way to learning how to pray. And if you want to be a bit more purposeful in your prayer time, here are some simple tips and tricks.
Designate a Time for Prayer
Spiritual building a habit of prayer in your life requires consistency. One way to start creating consistency is to designate specific times for prayer. For example, you could pray:
- Over your morning coffee.
- On your way to and from work.
- With your kiddos during school drop-off and pick-up.
- While you shower and prep for the day.
- Before you go to sleep.
While prayer can happen anywhere and at any time, creating intentional space for it will help you ensure it’s a priority in your day-to-day life.
Stop the Distractions
During prayer, it’s important to focus completely on God. That’s hard to do when your phone is pinging or the neighbor’s lawnmower is blasting through the nearby open window.
Try to eliminate distractions. Go to a quiet place. Turn your phone on silent or airplane mode. Turn off your TV. Do whatever you have to do to turn your focus to your heavenly Father.
Focus Your Body
While the above tip will help you focus your heart and mind, you should also focus your body. One way to do that is by getting into a posture of prayer.
For example, you can kneel, sit on the floor with your eyes closed or even stand and lift your hands. Remember to make it personal and do what you feel led to do as you pray.