By: Brenna Miles   |   Posted: July 31, 2024

For parents in poverty, medical exams are often out of reach. But at the local church, children receive the checkups they need to thrive. Get a behind-the-scenes look at these medical checkups here.

Behind-the-Scenes Look: A Sponsored Child’s First Checkup

For parents in poverty, medical exams are often out of reach. But at the local church, children receive the checkups they need to thrive. Get a behind-the-scenes look at these medical checkups here.

Written by Brenna Miles
Photos and interviews by Odessa B, Emily Turner, Doreen Umutesi, Daniela Velasco and Fernando Sinacay.
A young girl wearing a white bow smiles for the camera as a female doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to her breathing.

In the Peruvian rainforest, Yeni, a 26-year-old mom, stands hand-washing her children’s clothes. As she wipes sweat from her brow, her thoughts race. Will I have what I need today to care for my children? Will they eat?

Her thoughts turn to her little Mia, who is just 3 years old. Is she healthy? Is she growing like she’s supposed to? Maybe I should take her for an exam? Her rumbling belly interrupts her thoughts. First things first, she needs to find food for her children.

This is the reality for millions of other parents, just like Yeni, who live in poverty. They’re focused on fulfilling their right-now needs, so other necessities, like medical exams, must come last. After all, when parents are living in poverty, checkups are a luxury many just can’t afford.

However, Compassion’s local church partners are moving, ensuring moms and dads have the resources to keep their kids growing happy and healthy. One of those important resources? Medical checkups.

Here, we’ll share the importance of checkups and show you what they’re like for children sponsored through the Compassion program. And we’ll share incredible stories of how medical care can literally change a child’s life.

What's Here:

Why Are Medical Checkups Important for Kids?

Children need routine medical checkups to ensure they’re getting what they need to be healthy now and in the future. During these checkups, a child’s doctor can:

  • Immediately treat current sickness or injury.
  • Detect early signs of chronic illness and address them before they become life-threatening.
  • Monitor the child’s growth and development.
  • Teach healthy habits, such as proper hygiene and nutrition to prevent illness and disease.

All of this together ensures children have what they need to live happy and healthy lives.

A baby boy wearing a blue shirt lies on a table as a female doctor take his temperature.
Little Massimo from El Salvador receives his first medical checkup.

For Kids in Poverty, Medical Checkups Are an Impossibility

Not only do many parents in poverty struggle to afford medical checkups, but often, they couldn’t access medical care even if they could pay for it. Many impoverished communities lack medical facilities. Families must often travel to find quality care, making it even more expensive.

This has devastating consequences. For example, around 19,000 children under age 5 die every day from preventable illnesses. For these little ones, a medical exam could’ve made all the difference.

Three young children, one boy and two girls, are held by their mothers in front of wooden windows.

Behind the Scenes of the First Medical Checkup

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

— John 10:10, NIV

Children can’t experience a healthy and full life without physical well-being. That’s why medical care is an important part of the Compassion sponsorship program. We provide yearly medical checkups and follow-up care for every child we serve.

What does a medical checkup look like? Let’s experience a first medical checkup through the eyes of Mia, Irakoze, Denisse and their loving parents.

Mia From Peru

One day while Yeni was outside washing her children’s clothes, she found hope in a man on a motor tricycle. The man told Yeni that she should register her children, including Mia, in the new children’s program at the local church.

After receiving directions from the man, Yeni ran to the church. Once her children were registered, the family received food baskets and other items to fulfill their immediate needs. And little Mia was scheduled for her very first medical checkup.

A young girl is held by her sitting mother while she smirks for the camera.
Mia waits with her mother, Yeni, to see the doctor for the first time.

During her appointment, the doctor examined Mia and conducted a variety of tests. They even took a sample of her blood, which she was less than thrilled about.

A young girl looks with confusion at her finger while a female doctor takes a blood sample.
Mia braves her first finger stick.

Soon, the doctor discussed Mia’s results with Yeni. Mia tested positive for three different types of parasites.

While Yeni was concerned about the results, she felt peace knowing the doctor had a plan to return Mia to health. The doctor carefully explained how to care for Mia and provided Yeni with some medication for her.

Without the medical checkup and follow-up care, the parasites would’ve remained, stunting Mia’s growth. But now, Yeni is full of hope for her daughter.

I’m happy and content that Mia had her first checkup. Being healthy will help my kids to do better at school. The center has been a good place for us. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have my daughters there.

— Yeni

Irakoze From Rwanda

In rural Rwanda, Ancilla, mother to 5-year-old Irakoze, struggled to provide for her family. As a single mother, she worked tirelessly, but it wasn’t enough. The cost of a checkup was more than she could afford, and taking a day off work meant sacrificing necessities like food for her family.

Ancilla felt relieved when Irakoze was registered in the Compassion program and scheduled for a medical exam. On the day of his appointment, he and his mother jumped on a motorcycle and journeyed an hour and a half to the medical center.

Once there, they were greeted by a loving team of health care workers. Irakoze’s new doctor checked his temperature, listened to his heart and carefully examined his development. The doctor also gave Ancilla advice that would help her care for Irakoze as he continued to grow.

A young boy smiles for the camera as his male doctor measures his height.
Irakoze smiles brightly as his doctor measures him.

Ancilla felt a weight drop from her shoulders as the doctor told her that Irakoze was healthy. And with the support of their Compassion center, Irakoze would receive regular checkups to ensure he stayed that way.

As the checkup ended, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The doctor assured me that Irakoze was healthy and thriving, but they also provided valuable advice on nutrition, hygiene and preventative care.

— Ancilla

Denisse From Mexico

Denisse, a 6-year-old girl, was often sick as a baby. The year she was born, she was diagnosed with hepatitis. And in the months that followed, she was constantly sick with the flu.

Because of this experience, Denisse’s mother, Alejandra, knew the importance of medical care. However, getting Denisse in for regular checkups was difficult to afford until she was registered in the child sponsorship program.

A young girl wearing a bright purple skirt smiles for the camera while a female nurse measures her height.
Denisse is happy to know she’s healthy and thriving.

At her first medical checkup, Denisse’s doctor examined her head, neck, arms, feet, chest and abdomen to ensure healthy growth. Denisse even got to step on the big scale so the doctor could check her weight.

After the exam, Denisse received great news: She was healthy and free from any worrying symptoms! Denisse’s doctor made sure to share some tips with her mother for improving her dental hygiene, which Alejandra was grateful for.

I feel very grateful for the periodical checkups my girl receives at the Compassion center. Thanks to this, I can be more aware of her health so that she has good development.

— Alejandra

Medical Care Provides Hope to Children Living in Poverty

Sometimes children need more medical care than is covered by a yearly checkup. But long-term medications, special diets and other interventions can be impossible to afford for those living in poverty.

Compassion’s local church partners support children in these critical moments too, providing the physical, emotional and spiritual care they need to heal. In fact, many lives have been changed by the hope that medical care inspires in the most vulnerable.

Wendy Found Hope in the Midst of Chronic Disease

Fun and thriving Wendy skipped everywhere she went until the day the headaches and extreme thirst set in. During Wendy’s routine checkup as part of the Compassion program, her mother, Aidee, mentioned the symptoms. Her doctor sprang into action and did some tests.

The result? Type 1 diabetes.

Wendy’s diagnosis meant she’d need to go on insulin, which would cost hundreds of dollars every single month. But Aidee couldn’t afford the cost.

Fear filled her heart. Beyond the cost of the insulin, she was also afraid of leaving her daughter alone each day. Aidee knew she had to work to ensure their family had what they needed to survive. But how would she work and monitor Wendy’s health? Wendy was also afraid. If they couldn’t afford her insulin, would she live?

Aidee reached out to update Wendy’s Compassion center. The staff quickly explained that they would cover the cost of the insulin, a nutritionist and the healthy fruits, vegetables and whole grains Wendy now needed to maintain her health.

A young girl wearing a bright pink polo stands and smiles for the camera.

With Wendy’s right-now needs met, Aidee felt peace. The Compassion center provided what they needed, from the food on their table to the tutor that visited Wendy when she was too sick to attend school.

Most importantly, they provided prayer and spiritual guidance, inspiring Wendy and Aidee to put their trust in Jesus, the ultimate Healer. Both have been healed from the fear that came with Wendy’s diagnosis and are moving forward with restored hope for the future.

When you have a healthy body, you can play, have fun with your friends, and sing hymns at the church. You’re happy. And when my mom leaves the house, I am not scared. I can take care of myself. I’m not crying anymore.
— Wendy

Every child’s story, from Mia’s first checkup to Wendy’s ongoing care, was made possible because of those who said yes to being Jesus’ hands and feet. You too can provide life-changing medical care and hope to a child in desperate need.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
— Psalm 82:3-4, NIV

Give Medical Care to a Little One in Need

Man holds child in teal shirt with glasses. She smiles.

Help a child thrive through medical checkups and follow-up care.

Man holds child in teal shirt with glasses. She smiles.