By: Brenna Miles. Photos & Interviews by Yrahia Mateo, Nico Benalcazar, Vera Aurima, Kevin Nyakwada and Galia Oropeza.   |   Posted: July 17, 2024

Kids struggling to sleep? If so, there’s truth in God’s Word you and your children can use to fight back against sleeplessness.

How to Help Kids Sleep: Biblical Advice for Weary Parents

Kids struggling to sleep? If so, there’s truth in God’s Word you and your children can use to fight back against sleeplessness.

Written by Brenna Miles. Photos & Interviews by Yrahia Mateo, Nico Benalcazar, Vera Aurima, Kevin Nyakwada and Galia Oropeza.
A young girl and her mother sit on a bed reading a Bible. The Bible is reflecting light on the young girl’s face as they learn about Christian values together.

It’s 2 o’clock in the morning. You’ve carried your little one back to bed four times now. As you drop back into your own bed, you rub your eyes and let out an exasperated yawn. “This time,” you tell yourself, “this time they’ll stay asleep.” You close your eyes only to hear footsteps in the hall.

Sound familiar? If so, we see you! Going through child sleeplessness is a frustrating and exhausting cycle. When you’re up all night, it often feels impossible to carry out your parenting duties the next day (without carrying around your coffee pot, at least).

But your heavenly Father cares for you and has given you his Word. Inside, you’ll find tons of practical advice and strength to use when you need to help your kids sleep.

What's Here:

Why Is Sleep Important for Kids?

At some points throughout the night, you might be tempted to just leave your little ones to their own devices. After all, how bad could 3 a.m. cartoons and munching through an entire bag of chips be?

However, sleep is critical for growing kiddos. As children sleep, restoration happens within their bodies and minds. Without that restoration, children may suffer from decreased energy, low moods and difficulty paying attention, among other challenges.

What Little Ones in Ecuador Can Teach Us About Sleep

Some children in the Ecuadorian Andes know the challenges of sleeplessness all too well. For many children in Ecuador, sleeping on the floor is the norm.

In places like Cañar, a small village in the mountains, temperatures dip to the low 40s year-round. It’s hard to imagine what sleeping on the floor with only a threadbare blanket would feel like.

Many of the children in Cañar who were registered with Compassion came to their local center utterly exhausted and suffering from neck and back pain as well as respiratory illnesses. These were painful consequences of lacking comfortable beds and good-quality sleep.

But after the local church stepped in to make and deliver beds throughout Cañar, the children began to sleep well. Attendance at the Compassion center has increased, and the little ones who received beds are concentrating better with fewer illnesses and less neck and back pain!

Young boy wearing a backwards camouflage hat sits on his bed and reads and book while smiling.
Fourteen-year-old Angel from Ecuador smiles and reads while resting on his brand-new bed.

Good sleep is helping these children grow happy and healthy. After resting and dreaming about their bright futures at night, they’re able to work hard to achieve those dreams during the day. Good sleep does the same for your little ones!

Why Kids Struggle to Sleep

There are many reasons why kids sometimes struggle to sleep. For example, they could be having trouble getting comfortable or could feel worried or fearful.

Sleeplessness can arise when your children are sick with illnesses such as colds or if they’re suffering with allergies. It’s also possible that your child is overstimulated and having trouble calming down after watching a favorite show before bed.

It’s important to note that persistent sleeplessness is a good thing to bring up to your child’s doctor. They can help you determine if your child just needs some extra snuggles or if there’s an underlying physical concern to dig deeper into.

How to Help Kids Sleep: Advice Straight From the Bible

Jesus cares about rest. Grab your Bible and head to Matthew 8. In this chapter, Jesus heals many, including a man with leprosy, a centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law and many others. Then, in Matthew 8:24, we find Jesus taking a nap while he and his disciples sail across the Sea of Galilee.

We can imagine that Jesus was tired after loving on so many people that day. So what did he do? He slept. As Jesus is our example, we should follow him and do the same!

In fact, God instructs us to follow his example of rest from the very beginning. When he created the world, he took the time to rest on the seventh day, and he instructed his people to follow this pattern in Exodus 20:8-11.

God knows we grow weary, so he encourages us to rest. And he designed sleep to be an especially restorative part of this rest.

Because God cares about our rest, he gave us truth in his Word that can help us fight back against sleeplessness. Two things you can do to help your kids sleep include reading this truth and praying together.

Fight Sleeplessness With God’s Word: Bible Verses for Sleep

Whether your little one’s fear of the dark or stuffy nose is keeping them awake, there’s biblical truth for that. Let’s dive into some Bible verses for sleep that you and your kids can recite together before tucking in for the night.

Plus, we’ll give you simple talking points you can use to help your little ones understand how to apply each verse.

Young boy sits on his bed and looks down at his Bible.
Thirteen-year-old Victor from Ecuador reads his Bible before bedtime.

For fear: Psalm 91:1, 5 (NIV)

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty … You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.”

Talk It Out: As God’s children, we can rest in his shadow, knowing he protects us from whatever may come our way. We don’t have to fear anything. Not the dark, not storms, not monsters — nothing! God is with us always, even at night. He never sleeps, so we can have peace knowing he’s watching over us.

For sickness: Jeremiah 17:14 (NIV)

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”

Talk It Out: When we’re not feeling good, we can easily forget just how powerful God is. This verse helps us remember that he has the power to heal and save us. We can take comfort in knowing that God cares so much for our bodies and provides everlasting healing for our souls. Full and complete healing is ours through him!

For worry: Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Talk It Out: When anxiety enters our hearts, whether day or night, we can give that worry to God right then and there. He’s always listening! When we tell God what worries us, we can trust that he knows and can provide exactly what we need. And when we put our trust in him, we’ll have peace, no matter what comes next.

For loneliness: Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Talk It Out: Bedtime can be a lonely time, especially after a fun-filled day with friends and family. But we’re never alone. God is with us, and he promises to never leave us. He’s right by our sides as we rest and will still be there when we wake up for another fun-filled day tomorrow.

Teach Your Kiddos How to Pray

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

— 1 John 5:14-15 (NIV)

God hears us when we pray. What could be more comforting than that? Prayer is a great tool for combating sleeplessness, especially when you make it a part of your bedtime routine.

First, show your kids how to get into the right posture for prayer. For example, show them how to kneel beside their bed and close their eyes. Explain to them how posture helps them limit distractions so they can focus on God.

Next, explain to your children that prayer can be simple! It doesn’t have to be a bunch of flowery words strung together. Instead, explain that talking to God is just like talking to a friend.

To help you guide your little ones, you’ll find some simple yet powerful prayers you and your children can pray together below.

Young girl with her eyes closed and wearing a bright orange shirt sits on a bed with her hands clasped on top of her Bible.
Eleven-year-old Tivani from Indonesia prays before tucking into bed for the night.

A Simple Prayer for Fear

“Father, we know that you’re our Protector. With you by our side, we don’t have to be afraid of anything. Help us to be courageous and give us peace so we can rest well. Thank you for always being with us and watching over us. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

A Simple Prayer for Sickness

“Father, you’re our Healer, the one who calms our minds, cares for our bodies and heals our souls. We ask that you comfort and strengthen us as we sleep so that we can conquer this sickness with your help. Thank you for being our source of full health. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

A Simple Prayer for Worry

“Father, we know that you’re our Provider, the one who gives us what we need for every worry. We give all our worries over to you, as you’ve told us to do in your Word. Help us to sleep in peace, knowing you’re working everything out for our good. Thank you for giving us peace, no matter what we’re going through. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

A Simple Prayer for Loneliness

“Father, you’re our Faithful One, sticking right by our side day and night. We ask that you remind us of your closeness so we can sleep knowing you’ll never leave us. Thank you for being with us wherever we go. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Bonus Tips & Tricks for Helping Kids Sleep

When it comes to helping kids sleep, aside from reading the Bible and praying together, we have a few additional tips that might do the trick.

Young boy lays sleeping on a bed surrounded by a mosquito net.
Seven-year-old Brighton from Kenya rests, safe and snug in his bed, protected by a mosquito net.

Spend Time Together Before Bedtime

Preparing for bedtime together each night is an excellent way to help kids sleep. Not only does a routine remind the body that it’s time for rest, but following one together can comfort your child, fighting back against big emotions like loneliness.

Make your routine something you and your child can look forward to. For example, have a light snack together while reading the Bible in a softly lit room. Or run a bath for your little one and sing along to some worship music as they rinse off the day.

Ask Your Kids: “What Do You Need?”

That seems too easy, right? But sometimes, in our desperate attempts to help our children when they struggle, we overlook the simple solutions! Ask your child what they need to sleep better.

For example, they may tell you they’re scared of the dark and just need some light. If that’s the case, a nightlight might just ease their minds. Or they might share that they miss you at nighttime and want you to stay. If so, try giving them a stuffy to cuddle with or offering to stay by their side until they fall asleep.

Young girl hugs a Mickey Mouse stuffed toy while sitting on her bed and smiles at the camera.
Nine-year-old Judith from Bolivia cuddles with her favorite stuffy.

Celebrate Bedtime Wins

Sleep troubles can be hard to overcome for your little ones. So when your child does sleep well, celebrate with them! Tell them just how proud you are of their courage and strength. Celebrating sleep wins may encourage and comfort them so they can sleep better in the future. Don’t forget to take some time to thank God for his help too.

Hey Parent, Remember: You’ve Got This!

Don’t be discouraged. While it’s hard to see your children struggle, sleep troubles won’t last forever. And by seeking out solutions, you’re doing what it takes to support them. Take a second to breathe deeply and pat yourself on the back. After all, you’re doing great.

Remember: God gave you those little ones, and with him, you have everything it takes to guide them through the tough stuff.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

— Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)