
Bolivia flag

Hola / Hello from Bolivia

Language: Spanish

Bolivia’s colorful history and breathtaking scenery make it a captivating destination. Despite its mineral wealth, Bolivia has the lowest per capita income of any country in South America. Its income inequality is the highest in Latin America and one of the highest in the world. Many parents are unemployed. Families lack access to clean water. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Bolivia Stats

POPULATION: 10,027,254
76.8% Roman Catholic
8.1% Evangelical and Pentecostal
7.9% Protestant




A boy rides a bicycle down a rocky path in Bolivia

A boy rides a bicycle down a rocky path in Bolivia.

Children play soccer with snowcapped mountains in the distance

Children play soccer with snowcapped mountains in the distance.

A girl from La Paz enjoys being at her child development center

A girl from La Paz enjoys being at her child development center.

A Bolivian baby is wrapped in traditional, striped fabric

A Bolivian baby is wrapped in traditional, striped fabric.

A young boy pumps water from a well

A young boy pumps water from a well.

A boy holds a baby goat on his shoulders

A boy holds a baby goat on his shoulders.

Two boys laugh and read the Bible together

Two boys laugh and read the Bible together.

A girl walks as part of a parade in front of a church

Children march in a parade in their community.



  1. Bolivia is home to the world's largest salt flat, the Salar de Uyuni.
  2. It has the highest capital city in the world. La Paz, situated at an altitude of approximately 3,650 meters (11,975 feet) above sea level, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and is known for its unique urban geography.
  3. The country has a significant indigenous population, and many communities preserve their ancestral languages, customs, and vibrant textiles.
  4. The Bolivian Amazon rainforest covers a substantial portion of the country, offering incredible biodiversity and a habitat for diverse wildlife.
  5. It has a fascinating historical site known as Tiwanaku, an ancient city that was once the center of a pre-Columbian civilization.


Issue: Nearly 25% of the people in rural areas of Bolivia have no access to clean, safe water. With no other options, many families rely on contaminated water sources, which can lead to deadly illnesses.

Response: Providing reliable, clean water for registered children and their families — through rain water systems, wells or in-home purification — is an important first step toward decreasing sickness. Once healthy, a child can learn, play, socialize and benefit from our programs.

Prayer Point: Pray that Bolivia’s children will have access to sources of clean water, and pray for their continued health as they grow.

A girl cleaning her hands with safe water provided by the Compassion center
Safe water sources help to provide clean hygiene support to communities.

Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Bolivia.

Did You Know?

There is a wide range of wildlife in Bolivia, including 1,415 species of birds, 5,000 described species of plants and lots of interesting animals, including jaguars, condors, caimans, sloths, piranhas and more!

Sponsor a Child in Bolivia

Life in Bolivia

Bolivia Fast Facts

Official Name: Plurinational State of Bolivia

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: La Paz, Sucre

Population: 11,639,909

Official Languages: Spanish and 36 indigenous languages

Currency: Bolivian boliviano

Area: 424,164 square miles (1,098,581 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Bolivia since 1975. These Bolivia facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Bolivia but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Bolivia facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Bolivia!