
Peru flag

Hola / Hello from Peru

Language: Spanish

Peru’s attractions include the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu. Despite a wealth of natural beauty, Peru is home to areas of entrenched poverty and low student achievement scores. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Peru Stats

POPULATION: 34,352,719
76% Roman Catholic
14% Protestant
10% Other or None




A group of teens walking outside with mountains in the background

Teenagers from the highlands of Peru hold their Bibles while walking down a path.

Children eating a nutritious meal at their child development center

Children eat a nutritious meal at their child development center.

A girl smiles with her family in the background near a small fire

A little girl from the jungles of northern Peru sits and smiles as her dad prepares food over the open fire.

Two boys have fun in a boat

Two boys have fun floating in a boat.

A family of children smiling and hugging each other

Four children from the jungles of Peru smile at the camera.

A group of children run through their neighborhood with confetti and Peruvian flags

A group of children run through their neighborhood with confetti and Peruvian flags.

A young lady holds up a sign saying "Thankful"

A teenage girl holds a sign to represent her thankfulness.

A boy and his mother stand near her red and blue taxi

A mother hugs her son as he stands on top of the motorbike taxi she drives.

Girls smile while enjoying free time at their child development center

Girls smile while enjoying free time at their child development center.

A young man working at a desk

A boy sits and writes at a wooden desk.



  1. Peru is home to Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  2. The Nazca Lines, located in the Nazca Desert, are enormous geoglyphs etched into the desert floor.
  3. It is a culinary paradise and is recognized as one of the world's top gastronomic destinations.
  4. Lake Titicaca, located on the border between Peru and Bolivia, is the highest navigable lake in the world.
  5. The Peruvian Amazon Rainforest covers a significant portion of the country and is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet.


Issue: Though school enrollment in Peru has improved, the quality of education remains low, particularly in the Amazon jungle and mountains. And while public education is free, many families can’t afford the costs required for uniforms, books, school supplies and transportation.

Response: Compassion aims for every assisted child to get a good education. The centers provide support, from tutors to help with homework, to financial assistance for school-related expenses, as needed. Older students also have opportunities to participate in vocational training.

Prayer Point: Pray for children struggling in school — that they get support and motivation to do their best and that their success opens opportunities for their future.

A group of boys working on their school work together

Children receive tutoring and vocational skills training at their Compassion child development centers.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Peru.

Did You Know?

Peru is home to Machu Picchu — a mysterious city built high in the mountains by the ancient Incans. Today Machu Picchu is considered one of the seven wonders of the world!

Sponsor a Child in Peru

Life in Peru

Peru Fast Facts

Official Name: Republic of Peru

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: Lima

Population: 31,914,989

Official Languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara

Currency: Nuevo sol

Area: 496,224 square miles (1,286,216 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Peru since 1985. These Peru facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Peru but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Peru facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Peru!