If you’d like to bless the entire family, you can give a family gift. These gifts are often a lifeline, providing income-generating opportunities or meeting urgent needs. Throughout the year, you may give to the family of the child you sponsor.
A family gift changed everything for 9-year-old Noel in Nicaragua. He used to lie awake in the bed he shared with his parents and sister in his grandmother’s one-room home, imagining what it would be like to live in a place that didn’t let in rain and blowing dust. He pictured more space and a roof that didn’t constantly creak and groan. But all he could do was use his imagination.
"I prayed for the Lord to help me give my children a safe, loving environment to grow up in," says Petrona, Noel’s mother.
The family’s prayers were answered when Noel’s sponsor sent a family gift. Staff at Noel’s child development center worked with Noel’s parents to find out how the money could best be used, determining that a new home was needed. With the family gift, Noel’s father bought building materials and went to work building a house.
"I was so happy when my mom told me I would finally get my room," says Noel. "I used to sleep in a single bed with my parents and my sister, so when I saw the first blocks, I was so excited."
The day they received the gift marked a new beginning for Noel and his family. A year later, the house is finished, and Noel has a room of his own. Petrona found a job that helps her provide for her family, and a house where she now feels at home.
"I’m at peace now," Petrona says. "My children are living in a safe environment and a house where they’re protected from the rain and the wind. I feel comfortable and calm."
Center gift