We want to help ensure your sponsored child gets the most from your letters. By staying clear of these topics, you’ll foster healthy, positive discussions that will bless both you and the child you sponsor!
Don’t share contact details.
For your safety and that of the child you sponsor, please don’t share private contact details such as your phone number, home address or email address. It’s also best to avoid social media information. When communication on social media has happened, the result has often been disappointment and unmet expectations.
If your sponsored child or their family does contact you by phone, email or social media, please don’t respond. Instead, call Compassion at 800-336-7676 or email ciinfo@us.ci.org, and we’ll make sure they understand our communication guidelines.
Keep it kid friendly.
Please do not discuss or share photos showing potentially harmful products such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs or guns. We also ask that you avoid topics related to sex or sexuality, as we believe such topics should be left to the discretion of a child’s parent or guardian.
There are a lot of kid-friendly topics to discuss instead. For example, reminisce about your childhood or describe how you overcame a challenge or met a goal in your life.
Avoid details about health issues.
While it’s certainly fine to share if you have been sick or to ask for prayer, please don’t share sensitive health details or medical terminology that may be hard to translate or hard for a young person to understand. Doing so may cause your sponsored child to stress and worry. If you do mention that you had a recent medical procedure, try to stay positive and reassuring.
It’s important to be sensitive to your sponsored child’s economic situation, so please do not share about purchases or brands that others may not be able to afford. It’s also best to avoid mentioning the size of your home or the kind of car you drive, as such details only accentuate the economic gap between you and your child. Instead, talk about special holiday and family customs. You can also discuss important events like weddings, graduations, trips or new jobs.
Avoid political rants.
While it may seem obvious that your sponsored child shouldn’t be the target audience for your political soapbox, it’s still worth saying: Your letters should not be a political rant. Please avoid asking about sensitive political topics related to your child’s country. For example, it’s not appropriate to ask, “What do you think of your president?” or “How do you feel about the corruption in your government?” Instead, talk about a person who positively influenced you, or share an important life lesson that you recently learned.
Again, your sponsored child loves to receive your letters. These letters are your opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your child’s life. So be sure that impression is a positive one! Thank you for avoiding oversharing and focusing instead on topics that will encourage and inspire your child!