|   Posted: February 19, 2019

Compassion has been forced to close our program in India after nearly 50 years. Join us in praying for the children, families and churches who have lost our support.

Day 25 - Sanitation

Compassion has been forced to close our program in India after nearly 50 years. Join us in praying for the children, families and churches who have lost our support.

A boy walking by a dog on a path with garbage
India reports the highest number of diarrheal deaths among children under 5 in the world — deaths which could easily be prevented by improved sanitation. Children weakened by frequent diarrhea are more vulnerable to malnutrition, stunting, and opportunistic infections such as pneumonia.

Prayer Points icon

Pray that God would provide water and sanitation systems for the people of India.

Ask God to bring adequate health care to sick children.

Pray for education for family members to recognize what to do if their children get sick.