Cameron has also donated money to provide water filters to families of sponsored children at several Compassion centers across El Salvador, as well as training courses to teach the families how to maintain the filters and prevent waterborne illnesses. He also funded a classroom in Colombia, where his sponsored girl, Zuleima, lives.
“In terms of Zuleima … I see when I sit and pray specifically for her how the Lord uses that to draw me closer into caring for her and caring about others in her situation, and caring about the millions of kids like her who are under the oppression of poverty.”
Thanks to Cameron’s gifts, more children are able to get tutoring and vocational training that will prepare them for steady jobs as adults. They also learn about the peace and love of Christ, which helps shape them into leaders equipped to change their country’s future.
So when Cameron swings his club, he’s not only doing it for a championship trophy. He’s doing it for the students raising their hands in a brightly painted classroom. Mothers pouring glasses of purified water for their children. And little Zuleima swinging on a Compassion center playground in Colombia.