Your Impact in Burkina Faso

Update: Yasmina is settling in with three little ones!

Yasmina's home is full of joy as she settles in to her new routine as a mom of triplets. She graciously welcomes staff from the Compassion Nurturers center as she juggles her new responsibilities.

triplets in blue and yellow onesies

“Asseta, the Compassion Nurturers staff member, is friendly, and she checks that the triplets and I are doing well when she comes to our home,” she says. “She brings a ray of light, joy and hope to me and my entire household.”

Your support continues to bless Yasmina as she navigates life with three little ones.

“Djamal, Manane and Madjid just turned five months old,” she says.

I am thrilled to see them adding weight and height daily. They can now hold their heads up and roll over and off the bed!

Asseta’s visits have helped Yasmina learn the skills she needs to take care of her children and her home.

“As a new mother, I didn’t know how to take care of babies, but during a recent home visit, Asseta taught me about hygiene and sanitation of the household environment, which also contributes to the healthy growth and safety of my babies,” she says.

two women sit together in a green living room

Because she visited Yasmina in her home, Asseta was able to see the mother’s needs and teach her practical skills she could implement immediately. The visits also created more community connection for Yasmina.

“I feel honored in the community when Asseta, the Compassion Nurturers staff member, visits me,” she says. “In my culture, when someone visits you, it means you are important to that person — and your neighborhood respects you more.”

We praise God for your continued support! You’ve brought her health and hope for her little ones, both during pregnancy and now that she’s home.

Hear from Yasmina about her life before triplets.