
Ghana flag

Hello from Ghana

Language: English

Ghana, West Africa’s “golden child,” boasts both pristine beaches and bustling centers of industry. It is also home to poverty, abuse and disease. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Ghana Stats

POPULATION: 33,107,275
71.3% Christian
19.9% Muslim
3.2% Traditional




A boy stands near a boat

A young boy stands next to a wooden boat with the ocean behind him.

Kids kneel outside a center and smile

Young children take a break from playing to pose for a picture.

A boy smiles wlaking through school with a backpack on

A boy wearing a backpack walks outside classrooms.

A girl and her mother smile as they reach for a coconut

A girl and her mother smile as they reach for a coconut.

A group of children are ready to enjoy a special Christmas meal

A group of children are ready to enjoy a special Christmas meal.

A young man plays with a soccer ball

An older boy tosses a soccer ball into the air.

Two smiling girls play a game while holding a rope

Two smiling girls play a game while holding a rope.

Children sit in a classroom and listen to their teacher

Children sit in a classroom and listen to their teacher.

A child smiles in a birght orange outfit

A smiling boy wears a brightly colored shirt and necklace.

A smiling girl wears a backpack while walking down a dirt road

A smiling girl wears a backpack while walking down a dirt road.



  1. Ghana was the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence.
  2. This country has a diverse cultural heritage and vibrant traditions.
  3. It is the world's second-largest cocoa producer.
  4. Lake Volta in Ghana is the largest man-made lake by surface area.
  5. Ghana has the largest open-air market in West Africa, Kejetia Market.


Issue: Child abuse and trafficking are on the rise in Ghana. Close to 90% of children regularly experience violent discipline. Almost 200,000 children are exploited through hazardous work in the cocoa industry. And 50,000 children are living — and sometimes working — on the streets.

Response: The holistic safety of our children is of utmost importance. Staff members understand the warning signs of abuse and intervene swiftly if needed. Parents also receive quarterly training about their children’s rights. At the Compassion center, children are known, loved and protected.

Prayer Point: Pray for the Compassion staff who safeguard the children — that God will give them wisdom and discernment as they protect these precious boys and girls.

A young girl learning in school

Children learn they are known, loved and protected at Compassion centers.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Ghana.

Did You Know?

Ghana is home to seven national parks, which are tourist attractions and protected habitats for wildlife, including hippos, leopards, monkeys, elephants, parrots and more.

Sponsor a Child in Ghana

Life in Ghana

Ghana Fast Facts

Official Name: Republic of Ghana

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: Accra

Population: 29,340,248

Official Language: English

Currency: Ghanaian cedi

Area: 92,100 square miles (238,537 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Ghana since 2005. These Ghana facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Ghana but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Ghana facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Ghana!