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About Compassion International

Jesus Cares About Children. So Do We.

Compassion International is a Christian charity whose mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name one child at a time. Through child sponsorship and donations, we empower local churches to provide holistic care to children in poverty, so they are free to learn, grow, play and dream.

How child sponsorship through Compassion works


We partner with thousands of local churches that tailor our child development model to the specific needs of the children they serve.


Children receive whole-life care that is personal, individualized and relational to the child’s age, gender, health, culture and family situation.


Because Jesus is our core, everything we do for children is meant to reflect God’s heart through the gospel.

(Proverbs 31:9)

Our Child Sponsorship Program

Our child sponsorship program is designed to empower children to create brighter futures for themselves, their families, their communities and the world. Child sponsorship helps children flourish by providing recreational activities to support self-confidence and social skills, protection from crime and violence, and access to special services like life changing surgeries and disaster relief. Through a holistic approach to child development, we carefully blend physical, social, economic and spiritual care together to help God's children out of extreme poverty.

$43/month provides sponsored children with

Nutritious food and supplements to protect against malnutrition.

Regular medical checkups and health care

Individual mentorship, skills training and vocational programs

Education assistance and skills training

The opportunity to receive encouragement and support from you, their sponsor.

An introduction to the love of God through the local church

Learn more about how child sponsorship helps.

Sponsor a Child Today

Child Sponsorship Changes Lives

When you sponsor a child, you'll receive your child's photo, personal story and a child sponsorship packet by mail in approximately 10 days.

When children find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is indescribable. Just knowing that someone across the globe cares means more than you can imagine. Sponsoring a child in need will profoundly change the future for your child and will change your own life as well.

Sponsor A Child Today
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1-22 years old
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Please call us at 800-336-7676, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MT, to speak with a Compassion representative.

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