Donate to Help Families Affected by COVID-19

Help restore what COVID-19 destroyed – provide for a family in poverty today.

Thank you for joining us for Hope Rises. We hope you were inspired by the speakers and artists who shared passionately about their desire to help children and families who are in need across the globe, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without quick action, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to push children and families deeper into poverty, erasing hope for the future and years of hard work. Your support, however, allows our frontline church partners to quickly identify children and families in need, provide provisions of food and household supplies, and offer spiritual support. In many communities, this is the only lifeline for these families. As this crisis goes on, our frontline workers will continue to do everything they can to ensure the ongoing health and protection of the 2.1 million children we serve. Thank you for making this possible.

Compassion’s Response

8,759,000+ food packs distributed to Compassion beneficiaries and their family members

5,868,000+ hygiene kits distributed to Compassion beneficiaries

595,500+ received healthcare support

292,000+ families received cash transfers to help them weather the pandemic

*as of October 31, 2020

Real Stories of Relief

A family sits holding food
Thank You, Dear Staff

Read about a family in Thailand and their experience with COVID-19 relief.

Read the Story >

Sharon sitting with a bag
Comfort for a Grieving Teen

Read Sharon's story and how the pandemic changed her life.

Read the Story >

a family receiving aid
Government Partnership

Read about how Compassion was able to respond during a lock-down in Honduras.

Read the Story >