How To Share Your Faith

Are you reluctant to share your faith? Maybe you are not sure how to share your faith because you’re restricted with what you can say at work or maybe your friends and family don’t want to hear about your Christian faith. We have an effective way to share your faith with a child in poverty in a developing country.

How To Share Your Faith Through Child Sponsorship

Chloe in Hong Kong sponsors a child. She says, "Compassion's child sponsorship program is a great way to help others, and take action. This program allows us to show the love of Jesus to others."

How’s does child sponsorship give you an outlet to share your faith?

  • Meeting Urgent Needs: When you sign up to sponsor a child, you will be paired with a child in poverty who is living in a developing country. Your financial support will help that child receive clean water, nutritional food, medical care, and more through a church program in that child’s community. Most important of all, your sponsored child will hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God. By meeting a child’s needs, you are sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them in a tangible way.
  • Writing Letters: You can also share your faith through letter writing. Your sponsored child will eagerly wait for your letters to arrive! In those letters, you can share about your life, your work, your family and your faith. You can share your testimony and tell them how God has impacted your life through Jesus’ death on the cross.

Heather in South Carolina shares, "We have been blessed to sponsor children through Compassion for several years now. Compassion's ministry to the children and their families is amazing and beautiful. I love getting to know our kiddos through their letters and they enjoy getting our letters too. Thank you, Compassion for giving us avenues to help spread the Gospel and help children in need!"

  • Visiting: Sponsors through Compassion are encouraged to visit their sponsored child if possible.

"When I saw my sponsored child walk into the room, I was speechless. We had been writing each other for a few years and meeting her was so special. That day, with the help of a translator, I was able to have a beautiful time of conversation with her parents as well. We shared about our lives and I was able to share how Jesus had changed mine. I explained the impact of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the amazing gift He offers to each of us." – Melissa in Colorado

Sharing your faith is an important part of your Christian walk and child sponsorship is an effective means of doing it. Peter in the UK says, “I sponsor my child so that he and his family can hear the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and the way to heaven.

Will you join Peter and share your faith through child sponsorship? Through Compassion’s Christian child sponsorship program you can be a missionary without leaving home!

Start Sponsoring a Child Today!

Your tax-deductible contribution of just $43 a month connects a child living in child poverty with a loving, church-based Child Sponsorship Program.

Your support provides:

  • Medical checkups, which often save lives
  • Nutritious food
  • Health and hygiene training
  • Educational assistance
  • Access to special services like surgeries and disaster relief
  • Mentoring to help children discover their incredible value as God’s children
  • Most important of all, your sponsored child will hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.

When children in poverty find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is indescribable. Just knowing that someone across the globe cares means more than you can imagine. Sponsoring a child who is living in poverty will profoundly change the future for your child, and will change your own life as well.

Every photo shows a child who urgently needs a sponsor. Which child will you choose to sponsor?

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1-22 years old
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