Sponsor an Orphaned Child

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Trusted Charity Since 1952
Over 2.2 Million Children
BBB Accredited Charity

Millions of children around the world are without caregivers to love and protect them. As Jesus’ hands and feet, it’s up to us to stand in the gap.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” — James 1:27, NIV

How can you help? You can sponsor an orphaned child, providing them with the physical, emotional and spiritual support they need to overcome poverty even within an unstable family situation.

Your monthly support provides everything from nutritional support to educational opportunities. Most importantly, it introduces an orphan to Jesus, which can change their life forever.

 Two young boys stand in an alley smiling for the camera while petting a small black goat.

What Causes a Child to Become an Orphan?

When a child loses their parents through death, separation or abandonment, they are considered an orphan. There are many reasons why children become orphans, one of which is poverty.

Living in poverty is a challenge. Without access to essentials such as clean water and nutritious food, those living in poverty are more susceptible to illness and disease. Poverty can also breed violence stemming from desperation. All these dangers can lead to death, separation or abandonment, leaving children without their parents.

While millions of orphaned children face the hardships of poverty, you can make a difference. Sponsoring an orphaned child is a powerful way to make a lasting impact.

Every photo below shows an orphaned child who urgently needs a sponsor. Which child will you help release from poverty? Just click on a child’s photo to learn more.

Why Sponsor An Orphaned Child?

When you sponsor an orphan, you give a child in need hope and support, empowering them to build a brighter future. What does your sponsorship provide?

  • The hope of the gospel: The gospel changes everything for children living in poverty. When they know Jesus, children can see lasting hope in the midst of present circumstances.
  • Medical care: Your sponsorship offers a child in poverty access to medical care they couldn’t obtain otherwise. For example, each child receives an annual medical exam to ensure they’re growing healthy and strong.
  • Education: Sponsorship provides children with access to a quality education and helps them build the skills they need to become self-sufficient. Plus, they receive income generation opportunities they can use to overcome poverty and help their families do the same.
  • Malnutrition monitoring and intervention: Children living in poverty often lack access to nutritious food. We monitor children for malnutrition and provide access to the healthy foods they need to grow.
  • Emotional support: When a child loses one or both parents, the trauma can leave them feeling abandoned, lonely and vulnerable. As a sponsor, you and members of the local church are constant, safe presences in their lives, restoring their faith and helping them see beyond poverty.
  • Lasting hope and encouragement: Through sponsorship, you’ll build a meaningful connection with the child you sponsor as you exchange messages. You’ll become a positive influence and powerful encourager in the child’s life.

Sponsoring an orphan provides them with emotional support, medical care and access to necessities that would otherwise be limited, helping them break the poverty cycle that binds them.

Start Sponsoring an Orphaned Child Today!

Your tax-deductible contribution of $43 a month connects an orphaned child living in poverty with a loving, church-based child development center.

When you sponsor a child, you’ll receive the child’s photo, personal story and a child sponsorship packet by mail in approximately 10 days. Please join us and sponsor a child today!

FAQs About Sponsoring an Orphaned Child