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Trusted Charity Since 1952
Over 2.2 Million Children
BBB Accredited Charity

As the “land of a thousand hills,” Rwanda is known for its beautiful landscape and ongoing conservation of mountain gorillas. But Rwanda is also home to millions of children living in poverty.

These children struggle to get the food, medical care and other essentials they need to thrive. But when you sponsor a child in Rwanda, you can help us change that.

Sponsor a Child in Rwanda Today

When you sponsor a child in Rwanda, you deliver the hope of the gospel through word and action. Not only do you share the love of Jesus with a child, but you also meet their physical, mental and emotional needs, giving them the tools they need to leave poverty behind.

Rwandan Children Need Your Lifesaving Support

Rwanda is a small country in east-central Africa. It’s also the continent’s most densely populated country. In April 1994, the world was shocked and saddened by the genocide of roughly 800,000 people in Rwanda, which also destroyed its fragile economic base.

According to recent data, 48.8% of Rwanda’s population is multi-dimensionally poor. This means around 6.6 million people in Rwanda live on less than $2.15 per day, unable to access what they need to live. For example, only 57% of the population has access to safe drinking water within 30 minutes of their home.

In Rwanda, children are especially vulnerable to poverty. But child sponsorship can make all the difference.

A young boy wearing a blue and white plaid shirt tuns his head to smile for the camera while surrounded by other children.
Photo by: Doreen Umutesi

Why Sponsor a Child in Rwanda?

By sponsoring a child with Compassion International, you’ll introduce them to the love of Jesus while meeting their critical, right-now needs. For just $43 a month, you’ll provide a child with:

  • An introduction to the gospel.
  • Critical medical care and regular checkups.
  • Malnutrition monitoring and intervention.
  • Education and vocational training.
  • Ongoing protection from harm.
  • Love and encouragement from you, their sponsor.

With the needs of their minds, bodies and souls met, children can reach their God-given potential and experience a brighter future beyond poverty.

Sponsor a Child in Rwanda Today

In Rwanda, many children desperately need love and care from supporters just like you. Change a child’s life today by helping them break the chains of poverty. Sponsor a child in Rwanda and release them from poverty in Jesus’ name.