Children in crisis need stability and food security.

  • A gift of $1,000 feeds 10 households in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, or Haiti for one month.
  • A gift of $5,000 provides one month of food relief for 100 families in other Compassion countries affected by the global food crisis.
  • A gift of $16,000 provides emergency care for 20 families displaced because of conflict.


Children in crisis need stability and food security.

  • A gift of $25,000 feeds 125 households in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, or Haiti for two months.
  • A gift of $75,000 provides two months of food relief for 375 families in other Compassion countries affected by the global food crisis.
  • A gift of $200,000 supports 250 families internally displaced by conflict with emergency relief, including food and shelter.


Food is still a great need, but you can help turn relief into resilience.

  1. A gift of $1,000 feeds 10 families for two months.
  2. A gift of $10,000 provides 75 families with income generation training and resources to promote food security.

The Problem

There are currently more than 281 million people affected by food insecurity. Conflict is the cause for 48% of this population, extreme weather is affecting 27%, and economic shocks affect 25%.

These crises are worsening in 10 countries where we work, leaving children vulnerable, hurting and hungry. We estimate at least 115,000 Compassion-assisted families will need relief to survive these crises.

Emergency food distributions, temporary shelter or support to improve long-term food security are essential to protecting children’s health and safety. This work is especially critical for displaced children — a growing need in Haiti, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia— who are relying on support from our church partners to simply survive.

The Need


children in Burkina Faso
are currently displaced due to instability


children in Ethiopia
will suffer from acute malnutrition in 2024 due to drought


food inflation rate in Haiti
is leading over half the country to face crisis levels of food insecurity

By making a gift today, you will replace hunger and fear with hope.

Your gift will be used on the frontlines of this crisis to effectively meet the most pressing needs in each community and bring hope to children in many different ways. Through your support, frontline churches will distribute emergency food relief, send emergency cash transfers, train caregivers in income generation activities and provide other sustainable solutions to hunger.

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