We hear it again and again from sponsored children and Compassion program graduates: Your letters bring hope.

Whether you send a birthday card each year or exchange letters regularly, your sponsored child treasures every note you send. As one child put it: “Feeling loved and appreciated is priceless. This feeling grows in me every time I read the messages of affection in my sponsor’s letters. My sponsor helps me have confidence in myself and encourages me to work hard to achieve my goals.”

Below are some helpful and simple writing tips you can reference when you send a message to the child you sponsor.

Tips for Writing Your Child

Don’t worry about letter length!

Don’t be daunted by the word letter. You don’t have to write long, eloquent messages to make a difference in your sponsored child’s life. Short notes can be incredibly impactful because children just want to know that you think of and care about them. However often or much you write, your sponsored child will be thrilled to hear from you.

And if you have a lot you want to share and are worried about length, the online platform will show you how much space you have left as you write. If you choose to handwrite a letter, it helps our translators if you keep it to about one typed page.


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