Memorial Gifts

If you have a loved one who cares deeply about releasing children from poverty, establishing a Memorial or Tribute Gift is a meaningful way to honor your loved one or to celebrate a special occasion while supporting Compassion. Your Memorial or Tribute Gift will be a lasting honor to your loved one and make a difference in the lives of children in need.

Memorial Check

In lieu of flowers, you can include this information and address in the obituary.

All checks should be made out to Compassion International. In the memo or note portion of the check, each donor should write “Memorial Gift”. In return, Compassion will provide you with a memorial card that you can forward on to the family. Send all checks to:

Compassion International
Attn: Sponsor Donor Processing
12290 Voyager Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

Checks can be sent individually OR they can be collected and sent directly to our Sponsor Donor Processing Department

Memorial Webpage

For many families, it is easiest to have a specific web link where those who are out of town or unable to attend the loved one’s memorial can donate. Compassion would like to help in this process! We can setup a web page for individuals to give online. We will customize this site for your loved one with content and photos.

For all donations, our team will send a personalized thank you to the giver, thanking them for honoring the life and legacy of your loved one.

Your Next Steps

  1. Contact us at 1-888-988-4408 or  to discuss ways to set up a Memorial or Tribute Gift.
  2. Share information with family and friends on how they can give in Memory or Tribute of loved one.