Highly Vulnerable Children (HVC)

How We Get Involved

Compassion depends on a network of local church partners to identify, intervene, protect and support children living in highly vulnerable circumstances. Please donate today to help children in poverty who need our protection most.

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

Pray for God’s hand of protection over children who are in vulnerable situations. Pray that trusted adults in their lives would advocate for them, intervene where necessary and bring them to a place of safety. We want each child to experience the hope and healing of Jesus.

Blue line icon of heartEmotional Intervention

Prayer, counseling, rehabilitation and foster care for children who are hurting.

Blue line icon of hand holding childParental Support

Support can include legal resources to find missing children, trafficking prevention awareness, and income generating opportunities so that their children aren't exploited for income.

Blue line icon of fork and plateBasic Human Needs

Medical care, nutritious food, shelter, clothing and shoes for children in immediate need.

2 Million
are caught in commercial sex trades

from hunger-related causes

17.1 Million
have lost one or both parents to AIDS

Sources: www.childinfo.org, www.crin.org, www.who.int, www.unaids.org, www.unicef.org

Ti Mirak carrying a jug on her headEVERYDAY, WE HELP CHILDREN LIKE TI MIRAK

At seven years old, Ti Mirak was kidnapped as she walked home from the market place. For two months, she was beaten and nearly starved.

Ti Mirak’s mother turned to a local Compassion Center for help.

“The police don’t often help the poor when things like this happen,” explains the Compassion Center pastor. “Several children in our town have gone missing, and have never been found.” Donations to the Highly Vulnerable Children fund allowed Compassion to take legal action and find Ti Mirak.

But Compassion’s impact doesn’t stop there. Ti Mirak has been able to see a Christian psychologist for at least a year. Because of your donations, this beautiful girl is not only alive – but will attend school as she recovers.

Ti Mirak's name and identity have been changed to protect her privacy.

Give With Confidence

With Compassion, your donation is used wisely to help children around the world.

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Trusted Charity Since 1952

Have Questions About Compassion and How We Work?

Donating to a charity is an important decision. So when you’re passionate about a cause and want to make a difference, we encourage you to do your research. Compassion is 100% committed to financial integrity, stewardship and using each dollar wisely. If you have any questions about Compassion or exactly how your donation will be used, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Please call us at 800-336-7676, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MT, to speak with a Compassion representative.

Charity For Highly Vulnerable Children

Through Compassion's Highly Vulnerable Children fund you have the opportunity to donate to children in highly vulnerable situations such as abuse, exploitation, trafficking, desertion and homelessness.

When you donate to children through this fund, you literally rescue children from the most vulnerable of circumstances. Together with the local church, we identify children in highly vulnerable situations and provide them with specialized care based on their individual needs. These children need you! When you donate to children through the Highly Vulnerable Children fund, your generous donation will provide benefits like:

  • foster care,
  • trauma counseling,
  • shelter,
  • and even legal assistance.

Your decision to donate to children through the Highly Vulnerable Children fund will not just rescue children and meet a short-term need, but will change a life forever.

Helping Children Where The Need is Greatest

For the world's most vulnerable children, life is not an opportunity to learn or grow, dream or play. It is a struggle for survival and safety. This fund offers a lifeline to children facing almost unimaginable hardship. Your generous donation will enable churches around the world to partner with Compassion to provide life-saving intervention to children who truly need it the most. Please help now. A child in danger is waiting for you.