Missional Boosters are designed to bring continuity between your church’s year-round partnership with Compassion and your children’s ministry activities. These fully-scripted 15-minute lessons are an easy substitute for the missional aspect of your current curriculum—whether for VBS, summer camp or Sunday School. Invite kids to put faith principles into action by participating in a philanthropic effort.

Compassion offers five tracks of Missional Boosters from which to choose. Implement one or all five—or any number in between.

  • Water and Sanitation—bring safe water and improved sanitation to children.
  • Church Mobilization—resource and equip indigenous churches to reach the poorest people in their communities with Jesus’ love.
  • Health and Nutrition—help children achieve their God-given potential through good health.
  • Survival—mitigate life-threatening circumstances for babies (pre-natal through the first 365 days of life).
  • Youth Development—provide teens with access to secondary and college education, vocational and leadership training, and gospel-centered discipleship.

Each track has five 15-minute lessons that demonstrate the need through an activity or a Compassion video. The lesson script casts vision to show kids how their offering will make a difference for Compassion-assisted kids living in poverty around the world.


Spiritual growth is often an outcome when faith is paired with action. As you continue to use your church’s current curriculum to provide biblical teaching and present Compassion’s Missional Boosters as a way to practice when they learn, we hope children grow in compassion and faith and develop a sense of purpose.

The lesson-of-the-day includes a take-home experience that helps children share the concept with their families. This offers an opportunity for parents to initiate spiritual conversations about God’s character and faithfulness as well as to demonstrate faith in action by giving financially.


As the Compassion representative, you are an organizer and volunteer recruiter. This role does not require public speaking (unless you want to).

What to expect
  • Free and on-demand access to scripted Missional Booster lessons. Each activity has a supply list with clear directions for implementation.
  • Minor expenses associated with providing supplies for activities.
  • Depending on the size of your classes, you may need to recruit volunteers to help you.
  • If you do not want to lead others through the lessons, recruit someone who is comfortable with public speaking.
Volunteer Roles
  • Speaker—leads children through the lessons. All lessons are fully scripted.
  • Audio/visual technician—downloads video resources and starts videos at the designated time.
  • Supply Manager—collects/provides supplies for activities. These are common items that can be purchased at a grocery/craft store.
  • Assistant—helps younger children with activities.
Next Steps
  • Consider being the Compassion representative to implement Missional Boosters at your church.
  • Connect with your children’s ministry director to determine the best intersections between current curriculum themes and Compassion Missional Boosters.
  • Register now for immediate access to the Missional Boosters digital lessons.