What can your children learn about with our Christian Homeschool Lesson Plans?

Children laughing and playing
Lesson 1: Spiritual Emphasis: Evangelism

In this lesson, children learn about the West African country of Burkina Faso and design, make and play with sports equipment from recycled materials.

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Children playing in a group and smiling
Lesson 2: Spiritual Emphasis: Stewardship

Children discover the importance of God’s rain forests to all of civilization. They will learn how rain forests in Brazil and the world are places of wonder in God’s creation.

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Boys sitting at a table and laughing
Lesson 3: Spiritual Emphasis: Giving/Tithing

Launching this lesson, students practice giving and receiving oral directions and learn about map skills as a prelude to learning to follow Jesus’ directions about giving to others.

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Children praying
Lesson 4: Spiritual Emphasis: Prayer

This lesson gives insights into the fair-trade industry in the developing world. Students get to design and create fair-trade products similar to those found in Mexico.

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Boy walking through a field
Lesson 5: Spiritual Emphasis: Helping Others in Need

Children will investigate mudslides, do a science experiment, and learn how mudslides can be prevented.

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Why include Child Sponsorship in your Christian Homeschool Curriculum?

Sponsoring a child gives homeschool parents the opportunity to teach their children about the following:

  • Geography
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Culture
  • Prayer
  • Tithing
  • Evangelism
  • Gratefulness
  • Helping Others in Need
  • Honoring God
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1-22 years old
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Christian Homeschool

As homeschooling becomes more common, there are a vast number of curricula for you to choose from. If you are creating a Christian homeschool environment, we have some great resources for you about topics very close to the heart of God. Incorporate the topics of children and poverty into your Christian homeschool curriculum and begin developing in your children a compassion for those whom God calls “the least of these.”

Our free Christian homeschool lesson plans help you teach your children about God’s heart for children in poverty and our responsibility as Christians to care for them. They also provide many creative activities that lead to spiritual growth.

As participants in a Christian homeschool, your children have the unique opportunity to learn directly from the Bible. Let us help you give your children a global perspective and raise them with hearts of generosity and love. Along the way, your children will also learn other valuable things like geography, reading, writing, and cultural awareness.

A Christian homeschool can be the perfect environment to nurture a heart of deep compassion for those in need. But even if you don’t officially homeschool, our lesson plans will complement what they’re learning elsewhere.