Would you consider sponsoring an older child who needs support too?

Toddlers and young children are the most vulnerable, and they have very immediate needs like food, medical care and protection. So it makes sense that many people prefer to sponsor younger children. But older children have pressing needs too. And it’s much harder to find sponsors for children who are above the age of 10. Many of them will have to finish their time with Compassion without the stable source of a sponsor’s love, encouragement and support — just when the mentorship, guidance, and education are needed most as they get ready to set out on their own.

Your journey with this child might only be a few years, but at such a crucial time in their life, your mentorship, solidarity and wisdom could change the direction of their future.

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If you are unable to sponsor a child at this time, please consider making a generous one-time gift to the Unsponsored Children's Fund to help provide essential program benefits to children who are waiting for a sponsor of their very own. Thank you!