I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
— Psalm 139:14 NIV


Through a relationship with a local church and a caring sponsor, a child is able to discover his or her true value.

For $43/month, a sponsored child receives:
Heart icon

that unlocks the potential within their heart

Education icon

to defeat illiteracy and provide critical skills

Supplement icon

to protect against malnutrition

Health Care icon

to fight back against disease and sickness

Gospel message icon

through a local church to overcome fear and hopelessness

Recreation icon

to protect from crime, violence, and danger

In a world where nearly 400 million children live on less than $2.15 a day, child sponsorship is a strategic way to provide children with compassion, resources, and hope.
Start Sponsoring a Toddler Today!

Your tax-deductible contribution of just $43 a month connects a toddler living in need with a loving, church-based Child Sponsorship Program.

You can be the answer to a mother's prayers for her child. Imagine if your baby lived in extreme poverty. You would be desperate to find your baby help to give them a good start in life and would be so grateful to the person who provided her with hope.

Your support provides:

  • Basic Nutrition Clean water, healthy food, vitamins and monthly growth monitoring
  • Health Care Interventions Critical medical resources and immunizations
  • Support and Love Home visits, parenting workshops and infant cognitive support through a local church, trained and equipped to assist children in poverty.

As your toddler grows he or she will transition into more age appropriate support including:

  • Medical checkups, which often save lives
  • Nutritious food
  • Health and hygiene training
  • Educational assistance
  • Access to special services like surgeries and disaster relief
  • Mentoring to help children discover their incredible value as God’s children
  • Most important of all, your sponsored child will hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.

The Facts.

  • More than 1 million children under the age of 5 died last year
  • Half of these deaths were preventable or treatable
  • Approximately 45% were due to nutrition-related factors

When you sponsor a toddler, you'll receive your child's photo, personal story and a child sponsorship packet by mail in approximately 10 days. 

Sponsoring a toddler in need will profoundly change the future for your child, and will change your own life as well.  Your support will help a toddler get off to a healthy start in life.  Forever onward your stories will be woven together.

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Sponsor a Toddler

When you participate in Compassion’s sponsor a toddler program, you are investing in a child’s future. Compassion’s program is:

Church Based – The program works exclusively with local churches in developing countries. The churches identify children who need sponsors and coordinate the efforts to help them. In partnership with local churches, the children learn about Jesus Christ and what His message has to do with them.

Christ Centered – The Compassion sponsor a child program gives each child an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ. The program focuses on teaching children to live Christ-centered lives.

Child Focused – Your sponsored child will only have one sponsor. You will have opportunity to impact his or her life through letters and photos and you can encourage one another. You will also provide healthcare, educational opportunities, life skills training, clean water, nutritional food, and the opportunity to hear about Jesus. You will walk together through life, encouraging one another and praying for each other.

Join Compassion’s sponsor a child program and help a child in need today! Select a child above and begin to change a child’s life in the developing world.

Want to sponsor a child who shares your birthday - or special day in your life?

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1-22 years old
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