
Thailand flag

Swasdi / Hello from Thailand

Language: Thai

Visitors to Thailand experience beautiful beaches, resorts and ancient ruins. Although visitors may not see homelessness, injustice or abuse, Compassion-assisted children witness these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Thailand Stats

POPULATION: 66,080,812
93.5% Buddhist
5.4% Muslim
1.1% Christian




A child on a playground smiles

A boy sits on playground equipment.

A group of teenagers learn how to play guitar

A group of teenagers learn how to play guitar.

Children laugh and play together

Children laugh and play together.

A boy climbs a tree

A boy climbs a tree in his village in Thailand.

A group of children in a boat

A group of children cross the river on their way home.

A mother holds a smiling baby

A mother holds her smiling baby.

A group of children eat a meal at their child development center

A group of children eat a meal at their child development center.

A group of girls ride bicycles

Four girls ride their bikes on the way to church.

A girl smiles and holds a mosquito net

A girl smiles and holds a mosquito net.

A proud father stands next to his son in a green field

A proud father stands next to his son in a green field.



  1. Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country that was never colonized by a European power.
  2. Thai cuisine is internationally renowned for its bold flavors and vibrant street food culture.
  3. It is known for its floating markets, where vendors sell fresh produce, local handicrafts, and street food from boats along the canals.
  4. It is home to some of the world's most beautiful islands and beaches.
  5. It is known for its annual water festival called Songkran, which is celebrated in mid-April.


Issue: Poverty in Thailand is decreasing, and unemployment is less than 1%. But pockets of poverty still exist, particularly along the borders, where many children lack citizenship and have limited access to education and health care.

Response: Compassion recognizes children’s unique needs and works to meet them. For those without Thai citizenship, our holistic approach provides not only financial, material, medical and educational support but also legal support through our partnership with International Justice Mission.

Prayer Point: Pray that ALL children in Thailand would receive the financial, material, medical, educational and legal support they need to escape the cycle of poverty.

Young children sitting in their home eating a meal

Compassion works to provide financial, medical and educational support to those in need through the child development centers.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Thailand.

Did You Know?

Siamese cats, with their blue eyes and distinctive markings, are native to Thailand and were once treasured by royal families there.

Sponsor a Child in Thailand

Life in Thailand

Thailand Fast Facts

Official Name: Kingdom of Thailand

Form of Government: Constitutional monarchy

Capital: Bangkok

Population: 68,977,400

Official Languages: Thai

Currency: Baht

Area: 198,115 square miles (513,115 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Thailand since 1970. These Thailand facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Thailand but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Thailand facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Thailand!