Ordinary People. Extraordinary Impact.

Each year, people just like you speak up in their churches on behalf of children living in poverty. As a result, thousands of children see their dreams come true through sponsorship! We call this Compassion Sunday.

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What is Compassion Sunday?

Compassion Sunday is a day when people like you are equipped and empowered to advocate in their churches for children living in poverty.

During a Compassion Sunday event, a host will generally:

  • Give an announcement or short testimony about their Compassion sponsorship experience.
  • Share a short video highlighting the hope a sponsor can bring to a child's life.
  • Invite members of the congregation to sponsor a child.

In less than an hour, on just one day, heroes like you make an eternal impact. For each event, an average of four to five children are sponsored for the first time! Those are children who finally have access to food, education, healthcare and the good news of Jesus Christ!

Read what some of these heroes have said about their experiences.

“I was grateful to host this Compassion Sunday event alongside my 6-year-old daughter. We prayed for each of the children in the packets we received by name. It was a joy to see her excitement every time that a sponsor came to the table and selected one of the children she prayed for.”

— Nicole

“We had maybe 60 people in the service that Sunday, and 14 children got sponsored. When I saw the results and knew what it would mean in the children’s lives, I was fired up! I wanted to do it again!”

— Michael

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Take the first step in multiplying your impact by ordering your FREE Planning Guide. You’ll learn all you need to know about hosting Compassion Sunday — from planning your presentation to connecting your church family with children in need.

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