We know that preparing for a trip can be both an exciting and daunting task. There is so much to consider — from preparing emotionally, developing your team, processing your experiences while participating in them, dealing with re-entry and learning how not to let your life-changing experience fade away. We hope you find the list of resources helpful as you move forward on your journey to travel with us.

“The most powerful moment (of this trip) was towards the end of the fun day when I was able to pray with my sponsor child, his mother, and his teacher. I feel as though we have a bond that will never be broken even if we never are able to see each other again in the future.”

— Colombia trip traveler

“How do I describe the most life-changing week of my life? Aside from accepting Christ and marrying my husband, my decision to go to Honduras has been the best of my life. I have never experienced the undeniable, undiluted love of God like I have this week. If I have learned anything this week, it is that we have the ability to love more than we think possible.”

— Honduras trip traveler

Please Note: These resources are not sponsored in any way, and Compassion International does not receive compensation based on purchases.