Registration and Administration Questions

“It is not a good time in Burkina Faso and a difficult time to come here, but you showed us that you love us in our troubles by coming. It is a lesson in faith that you would take such a risk.”

— Quote from Burkina Faso In-country Church staff member

Flight and Baggage Questions

Group Praying
Sponsor sitting with children
child raising hand

Sponsor/Sponsored Child Questions

[after meeting young adults who graduated from the Compassion program] “If you don’t think you are making a difference, look at these four men [Compassion alumni who we met during our trip]. They are all alumni from a Compassion center here around Peten, Guatemala. They are world changers and inspired me tonight more than anything I’ve ever heard. The impact of a sponsor has changed the trajectory of their lives. You ARE making a difference. Write letters to your child! That’s what I’ve heard over and over on this trip when asking the kids what they love most. Letters! I hope to do half the things these young men will do!”

— Guatemala trip traveler

Other Questions

Group Facilitator Questions