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Homelessness. Medical emergencies. Natural disaster. Your donation helps children when they need it most..
Provide children with access to a safe water source and sanitary bathroom facilities.
Your gift meets the urgent water and sanitation needs of a child, preventing dangerous diseases.
Without clean water and sanitary bathroom facilities, children are vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. Your gift allows a local church to bring safe water and sanitation to the children in their care, helping them be healthy, stay in school and focus their energy on overcoming poverty.
Children Die Daily
from unsafe water.
Water-Born Disease
kills a child.
People Worldwide
have no safe drinking water.
We're committed to the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability, only using money for the purpose it was raised, regularly performing audits to ensure our programs are well managed and funds are properly disbursed and applied. We balance low administrative and fundraising costs with high-quality programs.
In Tanzania, unsafe water is the only water option for most families, but it threatened to steal the lives Nyabwiri and her family.
Each day after school, Nyabwiri used to go to a stream to fill jugs and buckets with water for drinking, cooking and washing. She then had to walk home carrying the 30-pound containers. The water often made her sick, causing her to miss school. But when supporters like you funded wells and latrines in her community, everything changed. Families now have safe water, and children have more time for education and play.
Today, Nyabwiri is healthy and attending school regularly, no longer worried about contracting a disease every time she takes a drink of water. She now hopes to be a nurse when she grows up! As more children like Nyabwiri suffer from drinking unsafe water, you can step in to protect their health and time, allowing them to dream about the future.
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