Sponsor an At Risk Child
Every day, millions of at risk children worldwide from all backgrounds, ages, religions and cultures suffer abuse, violence and exploitation. These violations include many forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitations such as forms of child labor, prostitution, trafficking, early marriages, and harmful cultural practices.
Compassion is opposed to all forms of child abuse and exploitation. Our Child Sponsorship Program promotes a safe and healthy environment at church-based centers where children can learn, interact and play in safety. The program also engages the active commitment of caring adults who personally, know love and seek to protect these children.
Workers at our child development centers are trained in child protection. These staff members also teach children and parents how to prevent exploitation and abuse. Compassion works hard to prevent abuse, but in the unfortunate case of a child who experiences a violation, a plan of action is in place. Compassion programs enable an immediate response to safeguard, defend ant ultimately restore the child.
Your sponsorship of an at risk child provides child-protection education, action planning and an immediate response to abuse when needed. Learn more about how your sponsorship helps children at risk today.
Sponsor an at risk child today!