Your Church and Compassion

Partnership is not simply working together, it is collaborating on something both sides care about deeply. The result of this partnership changes lives for eternity—releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. It’s a goal beyond the capacity of either of us individually, but together, we can do it. In fact, we can do it better together.

Together, your church and Compassion can:

  • Raise local awareness of global issues. Is your community of faith aware of the problems that plague much of the world—human trafficking, water and mosquito-born illness, natural disasters, lack of clean drinking water? Compassion offers long-term solutions to these difficult situations.
  • Connect your church family to the developing world through missions. Compassion provides an effective onramp to developing a heart for missions among those in your church.
  • Present an opportunity to follow Christ’s example of compassion by using child sponsorship. Do you want your community of faith to understand God’s directive to care for the poor? Compassion can provide the toolkit to accomplish that goal effectively.
  • Empower your church family to impact children for Christ—at home and around the world!
a sponsor and child smiling
Child Sponsorship

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a man speaking at a church
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two men shaking hands
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A group sitting outside a church
Church Planting

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Perspectives From Our Partners

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“The day I met my sponsored child in person, I got it. Emasha jumped off that photo hanging on my fridge and right into my heart. As I visited her community in Sri Lanka, heard the dreams of her parents, and how Compassion was bringing those dreams to life, I finally understood. A church in her community opens their doors, providing a place of refuge for Emasha, and they share Jesus with her! Emasha’s pastor has the same heart as my pastor halfway across the planet. They share the desire for people to come to know Jesus and become fully-devoted followers of their Savior. That church family, partnering with Compassion, provides Emasha with healthy food, clean water, help with school, and so much more. The family of God in that little Sri Lankan church is amazing! Together, we are the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Melissa, Compassion Sponsor

Class of Children outside
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Together with churches around the world, we are telling a story that none of us could tell by ourselves. Will you join us?

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