
Guatemala flag

Hola / Hello from Guatemala

Language: Spanish

Guatemala is a beautiful, multicultural country. It is also a country that faces poverty. Struggles with discrimination, illiteracy, violence and malnutrition are common. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Guatemala Stats

POPULATION: 17,703,190
41.7% Catholic
38.8% Evangelical
19.5% Other




A boy smiles in a field of yellow flowers

A boy smiles in a field of yellow flowers.

A group of little girls in traditional dresses hold hands as they spin around and smile

A group of little girls in traditional dresses hold hands as they spin around and smile.

A young family stands outside of their home

A young family stands outside of their home.

A group of children celebrate the New Year by shooting confetti into the air

A group of children celebrate the New Year by shooting confetti into the air.

A young girl holds a letter from her sponsor

A young girl holds a letter from her sponsor.

A group of boys play baseball at their child development center

A group of boys play baseball at their child development center.

A young girl holds two ducklings in her hands

A young girl holds two ducklings in her hands.

A group of children learn to bake as a part of a vocational training program

A group of children learn to bake as a part of a vocational training program.

A mother holds a baby in her arms

A mother holds a baby in her arms.

A group of three girls smile with the ocean behind them

A group of three girls smile with the ocean behind them.



  1. Guatemala is home to the ancient Maya civilization and boasts impressive archaeological sites such as Tikal, one of the largest Mayan cities in existence.
  2. Lake Atitlán, located in the Guatemalan highlands, is often referred to as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.
  3. It is renowned for its vibrant traditional textiles.
  4. Their cuisine features a blend of Mayan, Spanish, and African influences.
  5. It is known for its active volcanoes. The country is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and has more than 30 volcanoes, some of which are still active.


Issue: Many Guatemalans face malnutrition, lack of medical access, violence and unemployment. There are also low levels of education, particularly among indigenous tribes in rural areas. Many people do not finish high school. The illiteracy rate among Guatemalans over age 15 is 19% — the second-highest in the Western Hemisphere.

Response: For Compassion-assisted children, health and education are priorities. School supplies are provided when needed, and tutors are available to help with homework after school. Teens can explore vocational opportunities, and every child makes a plan for his or her future. Plus, all Compassion-assisted child have the opportunity to receive medical checkups and support.

Prayer Point: Pray for the parents of the children we serve – that they will understand the value of education and health and encourage their children to attend the center and finish school.

 Beneficiaries get to spend time learning in a safe, educational environment

Beneficiaries get to spend time learning in a safe, educational environment.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Guatemala.

Did You Know?

In the distant past a volcano exploded and created today’s Lake Atitlan. It is now believed to be 900 feet deep — the deepest lake in all Central America!

Sponsor a Child in Guatemala

Life in Guatemala

Guatemala Fast Facts

Official Name: Republic of Guatemala

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: Guatemala City

Population: 17,153,288

Languages: Spanish (official), 23 indigenous languages

Currency: Quetzal

Area: 42,043 square miles (108,890 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Guatemala since 1976. These Guatemala facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Guatemala but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Guatemala facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Guatemala!