Bangladesh Facts

Hyalo! That’s “hello” in Bengali, the official language of Bangladesh. This country in South Asia is home to lush, green landscapes and a vibrant culture. Learn more Bangladesh facts here.

five Facts About Bangladesh

Here are five fun facts about Bangladesh:

  1. Bangladesh is one of the top 10 most populated countries around the globe.
  2. The country is home to one of the world’s longest beaches, Cox’s Bazar, which is 75 miles long.
  3. Bangladesh’s Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world.
  4. Bangladesh is often called the “land of rivers.” The country has over 700 rivers to explore!
  5. Many unique animals call Bangladesh home, including the beautiful Bengal tiger.

Where is Bangladesh?

Bangladesh is located in South Asia on the Bay of Bengal. Two other countries border Bangladesh, including India and Myanmar.

A Key Challenge of Child Poverty & Our Response

Bangladesh is known for its unique geography and warm climate. However, many children in Bangladesh and other Asian countries are living in poverty, depriving them of the resources to thrive.

Child Mortality Rates Increase With Poverty

According to UNICEF, globally, one in 27 children die before reaching the age of 5. For children living in poverty, preventable diseases like pneumonia and malaria, as well as pre-term birth, often cause these deaths.

Our Response: Giving Children a Stronger Start

All children deserve to thrive. That’s why, at Compassion, we’re working to give children a stronger start even before birth.

Our child development centers throughout Asia are adopting our Survival and Early Childhood programs. These programs are designed to increase survival outcomes for pregnant mothers, improve education for caregivers and provide support for babies throughout their first years of life.

Examples of interventions include home-based prenatal care, birth attendants when needed and income-generation education to help caregivers provide for their growing families.

Young boys laugh while jumping in water

Young boys laugh while jumping in water.

A girl smiles while sitting on the floor of her child development center

A girl smiles while sitting on the floor of her child development center.

A group of children stand up and smile as they participate in the classroom

A group of children stand up and smile as they participate in the classroom.

An older sister helps her siblings do their homework

An older sister helps her siblings do their homework.

A young girl wearing a colorful dress pumps water from a well

A young girl wearing a colorful dress pumps water from a well.

A young boy carries his brother on his back

A young boy carries his brother on his back.

Two young girls sit on the ground next to their mother

Two young girls sit on the ground next to their mother.

A group of children smile for the camera

A group of children smile for the camera.

A girl smiles while standing outside her child development center

A girl smiles while standing outside her child development center.

A group of children play a traditional game outside their child development center

A group of children play a traditional game outside their child development center.


Our Impact in Bangladesh

Compassion has served children and families throughout Bangladesh for nearly two decades. During this time, we’ve released thousands of children from poverty through our child sponsorship program.


children served (and counting)


child development centers


years serving

A Young Boy Named Shanto Escapes Child Labor

Shanto was abandoned by his parents at a young age, forcing him to work to provide for himself. But after registering with his local Compassion center, Shanto found hope for a brighter future in an education.

Child Sponsorship Helps Children Eat Healthy

Sumitra from Bangladesh loves when her mom makes curry fish. And because of the support from her Compassion center, Sumitra and her friends have access to other healthy foods to keep them growing strong.

How You Can Help Vulnerable Children in Bangladesh

You can join Compassion’s fight against child poverty in Bangladesh in three key ways:

  • Pray: Jeremiah 33:3 tells us that if we call on God, he will answer us. When we lift children living in poverty up in prayer, God hears us, and we can trust he's working on their behalf. Join us in praying daily for children living in poverty by becoming a prayer partner.
  • Donate: Children living in poverty face many challenges, from a lack of medical care to dangerous living conditions. You can provide immediate support by donating to fulfill a right-now need.
  • Sponsor a Child: By sponsoring a child, you empower a child development center to meet the critical needs of a child's body, mind and spirit as they journey out of poverty. Through sponsorship, you'll help deliver medical care, hygiene training, education, malnutrition monitoring and so much more to a child in need.