
Uganda flag

Oli otya / Hello from Uganda

Language: Luganda

Uganda is known as the “pearl of Africa” for its remarkable beauty. It also has a high rate of poverty and one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations in the world. Compassion-assisted children experience these realities daily. But at the Compassion center, there is hope.

Uganda Stats

POPULATION: 46,205,893
45.1% Protestant
39.3% Roman Catholic
13.7% Muslim




Children sit in the grass laughing and playing

A group of children laugh and smile on the grass at their child development center.

Two young boys stand against a wall as they play and laugh

Two young boys stand against a wall as they play and laugh.

A group of girls dance at their child development center

A group of girls joyfully perform a dance at their child development center.

A boy smiles and holds a small goat on his shoulders

A young boy smiles and holds a baby goat.

A group of children play on a playground

Children play on the playground at their child development center.

A boy stands near water

A boy stands by the water in a fishing village in Uganda.

Students in a classroom listening

Children listen and learn while in the classroom.

A boy smiles and washes his hands with clean water

A young boy smiles while running his hands under a stream of water.

Boys make a soccer ball out of strips of plants

Boys make a soccer ball out of strips of plants.

A mother sits with her child on their bed under a mosquito net

A mother sits with her child on their bed under a mosquito net.



  1. Uganda is a haven for endangered mountain gorillas.
  2. Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, is shared by Uganda.
  3. It is known as the "Pearl of Africa" for its natural beauty.
  4. Murchison Falls National Park features a stunning waterfall on the Nile.
  5. Uganda is culturally diverse with over 50 indigenous tribes.


Issue: Teenage girls are often encouraged to drop out of school and get married so their parents can collect a dowry from the groom’s family. These early marriages prevent girls from gaining an education and increase risk of HIV/AIDS, early childbirth and death during childbirth. By the age of 18, 42% of Ugandan girls have become mothers for the first time.

Response: Compassion staff members are trained to advocate and intervene for the vulnerable. At the center, children are taught about their worth in God’s eyes and how to remain holistically healthy as they grow up.

Prayer Point: Please pray that Ugandan girls would embrace their worth and confidently pursue an education and career so they can experience freedom from poverty.

A teen girl wearing a red shirt and headband sitting outside

Girls and boys learn to value their worth and receive educational support through their child development centers.


Visit the Compassion blog to learn more about our work in Uganda.

Did You Know?

Bark cloth is a traditional Ugandan textile made by pounding the bark of a fig tree. It can be used to make clothes as well as hats, bags, decorations and more.

Sponsor a Child in Uganda

Life in Uganda

Uganda Fast Facts

Official Name: Republic of Uganda

Form of Government: Presidential republic

Capital: Kampala

Population: 43,252,966

Official Languages: English, Ganda or Luganda, Swahili

Currency: Ugandan shilling

Area: 93,065 square miles (241,038 square kilometers)

Compassion has been working in Uganda since 1980. These Uganda facts and statistics provide a good picture of the reality of poverty and how child sponsorship through Compassion is making a difference.

Poverty is a problem in the country of Uganda but with your support, Compassion is working to change this. The Uganda facts tell a difficult story, but Compassion is bringing hope in the midst of the difficulties. Our programs are changing the statistics one child at a time.

Don't let the hopelessness of poverty overwhelm you. Sponsor a child in Uganda!