Dominican Republic Facts

Hola! That's "hello" in Spanish, the official language of the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is a country in the Caribbean, known for its expansive sandy beaches and consistently warm climate that delight sun-seeking tourists.

five Facts About the Dominican Republic

Here are five fun facts about the Dominican Republic:

  1. The Dominican Republic is home to the Caribbean’s highest peak, Pico Duarte, which stands at an impressive 10,174 feet (3,101 meters) above sea level.
  2. The country has more than 200 beaches and almost 1,000 miles of coastline.
  3. Baseball is the most popular sport in the Dominican Republic.
  4. The Dominican Republic’s flag features an image of the Bible.
  5. The country is known for its rich merengue music tradition. This upbeat music features instruments such as accordions, guitars and maracas.

Where is the Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic is located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. The country shares the island with Haiti.

Key Challenges in the Dominican Republic & Our Response

While the Dominican Republic is renowned for its climate and beautiful beaches, it's also home to many impoverished communities. And children in these communities struggle with the serious consequences of poverty.

Crime & Gang Violence

Young people in impoverished Dominican communities are often surrounded by gang activity and drug trafficking, especially in urban areas. They also face high murder rates and are susceptible to abuse and exploitation.

Some impoverished youths feel as if they have no choice but to become involved in crime to help provide for their families. Others are fearful of what will happen if they say no to recruiting gangs.

Our Response: Focusing on Child Protection

Compassion is working to protect youths facing gang violence, drug activity, trafficking and exploitation.

In partnership with the local church, we provide age-appropriate child protection training to every child we serve, empowering them to stand up for their rights. We train all Compassion staff, leaders and volunteers, ensuring they know how to intervene when violence or abuse occurs.

Compassion also provides safe environments where children and youths can enjoy sports and other activities instead of turning to crime. Plus, by delivering food, water and other necessities to children, we decrease the pressure they endure to commit crime to provide for their families.

Lack of Safe Water & Other Necessities

Children living in impoverished communities often can't get safe water and other necessities, such as nutritious food and medical care.

These right-now needs are expensive for families, especially when 49% of households in the Dominican Republic live on less than $3.20 per day.

Our Response: Fulfilling Right-Now & Future Needs

In partnership with the local church, Compassion steps in to provide the right-now necessities children in our program need to thrive, from nutritious meals to clean water.

But we don't just stop at their current needs. We help young people prepare for their futures through vocational training and tuition support. With job skills and an education, they can provide for themselves as they journey out of poverty.

Four boys take a break from playing and sit against a fence with their basketballs

Four boys take a break from playing and sit against a fence with their basketballs.

A girl smiles in front of a rainbow-painted wall in her classroom

A girl smiles in front of a rainbow-painted wall in her classroom.

A group of children play baseball in the street

A group of children play baseball in the street.

A group of children smile and wave outside of their child development center

A group of children smile and wave outside of their child development center.

A boy smiles in front of a baseball field

A boy smiles in front of a baseball field.

A group of children laugh together at their child development center

A group of children laugh together at their child development center.

Children read their Bibles together at their child development center

Children read their Bibles together at their child development center.

A mother smiles and holds her baby

A mother smiles and holds her baby.

Teenage boys eat a nutritious meal together at their child development center

Teenage boys eat a nutritious meal together at their child development center.

A boy shoots a basketball

A boy shoots a basketball.


Our Impact in the Dominican Republic

Compassion has been working in the Dominican Republic since 1970. Throughout our time serving the country, we've helped release thousands of children from poverty in Jesus' name.

When we surveyed Compassion program graduates in the Dominican Republic:


said they were released from poverty in Jesus' name.


said the program helped them have hope in their adult lives.


said the program helped them achieve their educational goals.


said the Compassion center changed their lives.

A Transformation You Have to See to Believe

There's something more powerful than poverty in the Dominican Republic: Christ's ability to restore children, communities and the world.

Choosing Jesus Over Drugs & Gangs

Dr. José Frank grew up surrounded by gangs and drugs. Instead of falling prey to these threats, he connected with a local church and rose above his circumstances.

How You Can Help Vulnerable Children in the Dominican Republic

You can join Compassion’s fight against child poverty in the Dominican Republic in three key ways:

  • Pray: Jeremiah 33:3 tells us that if we call on God, he will answer us. When we lift children living in poverty up in prayer, God hears us, and we can trust he's working on their behalf. Join us in praying daily for children living in poverty by becoming a prayer partner.
  • Donate: Children living in poverty face many challenges, from a lack of medical care to dangerous living conditions. You can provide immediate support by donating to fulfill a right-now need.
  • Sponsor a Child: By sponsoring a child, you empower a local church to meet the critical needs of a child's body, mind and spirit as they journey out of poverty. Through sponsorship, you'll help deliver medical care, hygiene training, education, malnutrition monitoring and so much more to a child in need. But most importantly, you'll help introduce them to the hope of the gospel, which changes everything.